Matthew 18:15-17 (King James Version)

Matthew 18:15-17 (the King James separates wheat from chaff)...Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.

Proverbs 6:16-19 (King James Version)

Proverbs 6:16-19 (the King James talks straight-talk)...These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

Proverbs 31:10-28 (King James Version)

Proverbs 31:10-28 (the King James woman works a job)...Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life. She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands. She is like the merchants' ships; she bringeth her food from afar. She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens. She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard. She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms. She perceiveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not out by night. She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff. She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy. She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet. She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple. Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land. She maketh fine linen, and selleth it; and delivereth girdles unto the merchant. Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come. She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness. She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness. Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.


Excerpts from yet another edifying new message on Pastor Kekel's blog (originally posted 2/5/2011) ...


Hello all,

Directly below (the four bullet points) is an excerpt from a message on Pastor Kekel's blog, titled "Fight or Flight"...

• This article from the internet is about things of the body that affect the mind. When a Christian experiences these things, it can make them want to flee from the work of God. They begin to view everyone around them as a threat, and they question the sincerity and motives of even their closest friends. 

• One of the biggest enemies of aging Ministers is their fear that they won’t be taken care of in their old age. This fear causes them to resort to secular education and employment, abandoning the call of God; but the key is taking care of their old age, in their youth. Then, the wives go on jobs too, which is against the bible, and they find that the same spending habits that got them into the mess, rob them of happiness, even with a double income.

• For the priesthood/ ministry, God established a financial plan that, if followed, takes good care of people in ministry. If they are lazy or ineffective having no flock, they will not have what they need (I Cor. 9). If we spend our lives sowing on stony ground, we’ll never reap anything, and we can't blame the seeds. 

• No matter what a person’s occupation, they have to take the pay they receive over the years and multiply it, if they want to have what they need when they get older, God's work is never to blame.

The above excerpt is towards the end of the message. The NTCC’er now knows the views (in writing) of the new Sheriff (in case they were hoping for a change) with regards to how they will make it when they are old, broke, and even ill. You are out of luck, just as before. NTCC will offer no solution, just condemnation, and a loving “I told you so/we are praying for you.” You will get no aid, but (as always) you know where the door is.

Take comfort in the fact you will still be invited to their mansion(s), conferences, fellowship meetings, and revivals: but only if you faithfully attend every service, pay tithe, and give in offerings till the end. Knocking on doors when you are eighty will be a blessing (has anyone ever seen Pastor Davis/Kekel door knocking, and how long ago was it), just ask them and they’ll tell ya.

Regardless of Pastor Kekel promoting himself as an agent of change, he is still a company man, promoting the party line. All changes thus far have been cosmetic (and damage control), and can be reversed at any time.

NTCC is winning,


Recently, new blogger—"Cream of the Crop"—posted the below comment on Jeff's Blog:

Jeff- I know this is off topic but I need to get it off my chest

I was completely robbed of any type of normal childhood because of NTCC. I get angry even to this day when I think about the abuse I suffered.

I don’t know if everyone was like this, but the “children should be seen and not heard” was practiced in my family. It’s like women and children don’t even exist.

In my opinion, NTCC treats women like they are inferior to men; they are not allowed to express their opinions. They are supposed to stand in the background and look pretty, agree with and do whatever their husband says. If you ask me, it’s complete nonsense and just another way to control people.

After my parents finished Bible school, they were assigned to various states to try and start up churches. Eventually, we were sent to Rhode Island to help another minister with his church. We were there for maybe a year, and then we were told we would be moving. NTCC told us go to Washington State to attend conference. We left Rhode Island and drove to Washington State. The back of our truck was loaded with all of our possessions. We had car problems along the way, and we had to empty half of our belongings on the side of the road. Talk about your worst nightmare. I have HORRIBLE memories from NTCC!!!!!

It’s complete brainwashing! I hated the fire and brimstone preaching!!! I guess they figured the louder they screamed the more anointed they were!?!

Shine on,
Sarah Goodwin...


Anonymous said...

"This fear causes them to resort to secular education???" "HUUUH??? "Man, then there must be a lot of ntcc ministers fearing, because I know of several that do the secular education thing."

I know of one minister that asked the church congregation to pray for him so he would pass a test in his "secular college" class. Is Michael putting down secular education or lifting it up??? Seemingly there is a fog here.

Jeff said...

Wives getting jobs is not against the Bible. The author is full of it. No where in the Bible does it say that a woman can't work. That is an NTCC women control tactic, no more and no less.

The NTCC makes me sick.


DS or GS said...


The author in this case is Rev. Kekel. The bullet points are his words and views.

Regardless of Pastor Kekel promoting himself as an agent of change, he is still a company man, promoting the party line.

All changes thus far have been cosmetic, and damage control, and can be reversed at any time.


Anonymous said...

Tonya and Mike Kekel both have secular college degrees. Right?

Grant Kekel is enrolled in secular college trying to earn a degree in secular education. Right?

Tonya Kekel gets paid to teach at the NTC Seminary. Right?

Tonya and Mike Kekel own the Willard Properties. Right? That provides both of them with income. Right?

Tonya and Mike Kekel's spending habits have only increased over the years. Right?

Who will take care of them when they get older?


Anonymous said...

Secular education??? Mike Kekel is sending his own son to a secular college, to gain a secular degree! What happened to Grant? You would think that the son would want to be like the father.... maybe not in this case, Grant probably has seen enough to realize thats not what he wants for his life! Smart choice, wish I would have done that.
Anyway all of you loyal old timers are going to work till the day you drop on some entry level manual labor job! SUCKERS!!!! HA HA HA!!! Please excuse me, I have to get ready to study for my security plus training paid for by the Air National Guard, I'll be busy enhancing my lifestyle while you sit there liostening to MCK and RWD and telling yourself "What a Blessing!" Well you know what they say.............One is born every minute!

Don and Ange said...

Mike Kekel said,

"This fear causes them to resort to secular education and employment, abandoning the call of God"

Don and Ange said,

I'm so sorry to hear that Grant has abandoned the call of God. He must have realized that he was not going to be taken care of in his old age. I'm sure when he gets married his wife will also lose the faith and get a job so that they will be able to support themselves with a double income.

If you believe this, I have a cruise ship docked on top of Pike's Peak that I'd like to sell you timeshares on. How brainwashed do you have to be to read this garbage on MCK's blog and not do anything about it? I know that you ntcc'ers think that kekel is your last hope in this dying world, but are you really this blind? Shame on you if you can read this trash and not see the hypocrisy. Shame on all you board members at the ntcc, for sitting back and letting this happen.

We actually reverenced the board members and thought they stood on the principles in which they preached and taught. Where is Ashmore and RWD and Olson and Johnson? Are they actually going to allow this hypocrisy to take place in their presence? On their watch? I used to think that they were all principled men, but now I have to say that they are just "yes-men".

Now that most of the ntcc ministers are getting old and have nothing in their bank accounts, we are going to steer them away from the secular education that might be their only source of support to help them get by in their old age.

Trust me on this one. The ntcc is not going to be there for you. They will not support your failing ministry nor will they lift a finger for you when you are down and out. They have already used up your youth and middle years, and they know you are going to be washed up soon.

They don't want you taking their tithe money and spending it on secular education. They want you to keep believing the lies that they have propagated. God will take care of you. God forbid that you should take on that responsibility for yourself.

Don and Ange

Anonymous said...

"This fear causes them to resort to secular education..." Michael Kekel why would you say this if your own son is going to St. Louis University??? Are you condemning your own son???

Anonymous said...

This theory does not match my experience we can't just put people’s experiences in a cookie cutter mold and say that’s why they left or that why things went wrong. I actually felt in my heart God would not condemn me to hell for leaving NTCC because for years I thought NTCC was infallible. As I studied my Bible more in depth I found many scriptures that were taken out of context. In my heart and mind I came to see New Testament Christian church was not the only true church because if they were why were so many scriptures taken out of context. There were so many things I saw and thought whats the difference?

It says absolutely no where in scripture that Jezebel painted her face and I had heard that through teaching and over the pulpit for years. It says she set her face which has nothing to do with applying make up. That scripture about bodily exercise proffiteth little has nothing to do with weights and aerobics and taking care of ourselves. Jesus did not burn in hell for us he went to paradise and ministered to the Old Testament saints. I actually even delved into studying the hair scripture which was a huge step for me and found when it talked of shorning of the the hair it had nothing to do with the length it just told women we are not to sheer our head like a sheep gets sheered. Historically men tried to wear there hair long to be feminine and women use to sheer there heads and act masculine for pagan homosexual rituals and this is why this was mentioned I read.
Although I studied this I still enjoy my long hair though.

I found the scripture that says a man shall not wear that which pertaineth to a women has nothing to do with pants in general. Back when women always wore dresses they wore pants (pantaloons) under there skirts or dresses and in Jesus day men wore skirts and women wore the pants. So this is just a traditional practice to say a woman has to wear a skirt to church or a skirt only. Also with women not working the line was so skewered to me, there is no difference between women having a babysitting job to make money or a full time job to make money. There on no difference between cleaning a Sisters house for money and having a cleaning job. There is not difference between being a full time worker in the servicemen’s home and working a full time job. There is no difference between being a teacher in Bible school and not working a job or going to college for advanced learning.

I started watching appropriate dvds because the is no difference between watching 20 small clips on you tube and a movie. With a movie at least you can look it up and see what it is about first. When I studied all these things with great caution and in length I approached my husband and asked him if he would ever want to leave which was always forbidden in my heart and mind. He actually was set at ease to know I had been studying things because he had felt this way for a very long time. When the time came after a long length of time and much prayer we decided to peacefully leave but I stuck my feet in the mud and we stayed longer and thought we would stay for the long haul but in the long run found this decision would hurt me more. I wish I would have stuck to my gut and left the first time but God knows. My experience ended extremely painfully and it can not be placed in a theory or mold I am very analytical and always try to put a theory or a mold to things I think sometimes it can be a flaw.

God did not give us freedom to have a man choose our path for us. A man choosing the roads we take for us defeats the very plan that God had for us choosing to serve and follow him with free moral agency. I miss my NTCC friends tremendously (some more than others) but it is better to follow God than man

a peaceful heart ♥

Anonymous said...

Hey, word up! I hear that the Reeds are out. Can this be verified? If so, I wonder what happened to make them "take flight"?!

Don and Ange said...

To a peaceful heart ♥

We are sorry (but unfortunately not surprised) to learn that you were hurt in ntcc. We are also sorry to learn that your experience ended extremely painfully. We also can relate to missing our ntcc friends, some more than others. We have found some are friends, while some give lip-service only. [And the Lord knows who is who.]

If you are not afraid to share, when did you leave ntcc? Thanks.

Don and Ange

RB said...

Peaceful heart again thank you for your kind words to me on other threads... but you are wrong. The Bible does talk about Jezebel painting her face.

2Ki 9:30 And when Jehu was come to Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it; and she painted her face, and tired her head, and looked out at a window.

Just setting the record strait

RB said...

I think they were Michillan Road Hazard tires btw

Don and Ange said...

"It says absolutely no where in scripture that Jezebel painted her face and I had heard that through teaching and over the pulpit for years." -- a peaceful<3

Dear Peaceful,

The Blue Letter Bible Authorized KJV of 2 Kings 9v30 cites Strong's concordance definitions for the Hebrew words as paint for the face / eyes.

Here's a link to the paint verse. You may want to check out the blue links that are numbers from the Strong's concordance that take you to pages defining the words from the original languages.

Maybe Strong's was the source that ntcc used in this. It's hard to say since davis taught, and we quote, "Never reveal your source." rwd

davis said revealing your source would cause people to "become proud" and "think they know more than you do" blah, blah, blah.

We think he is afraid that people would consider themselves equal with him-a big "NO NO" in the ntcc that is clearly against the scripture [Luke 22v25] & [Luke 22v26].

Regardless of the source, the Authorized KJV -- the ONLY ntcc - approved version -- uses the word paint.

What ntcc then does with that word, however, is twist the scripture to say that any woman "painting" her face "is as rebellious as Jezebel". Ahem.

Does that mean that any man who fishes is going to leave his service to Christ as Peter began to do?

Does it mean only preachers who work on jobs as tent-makers are fulfilling their ministry as Paul the Apostle did?

We all know the ntcc likes to play the scriptures fast and loose in some interpretations and too strict with man-made doctrine in other instances -- whichever suits the ntcc coffers being kept full and the women being kept "in subjection in all things".

Which begs the obvious response, if all women who paint their faces are "as rebellious as Jezebel" what does that make verna davis and the other ntcc board members' wives who were "painting" their faces with foundation creams and make-ups in order to hide their wrinkles ALL AT THE VERY TIME THESE TWISTED SCRIPTURES WERE BEING TAUGHT BY davis dynasty 'preachers'?

Yes, friends, that would mean by ntcc standards verna davis "is as rebellious as Jezebel", rdub would be wicked as Ahab for hiding her, etc., etc., etc. ...

After all, if the scripture is not open to private interpretation; and davis claims his is the only correct interpretation; then he and verna just can't have it both ways.

(Though they always have and always will. Well, not always.... One day they too will "stand and give an account to God" as davis loved to threaten all.)

Just a thought or two.

Don and Ange

Anonymous said...

RB you are completely right I should have given all those things a thorough restudy before I went typing my mind. I did misrepresent that scripture. Thank you for correcting me. I tried to edit it out of my spiel but I don't know how.

I missed a step in explaining that scripture I looked up the word painted in the Blue letter Bible and it came up with the Hebrew word שׂוּם (Transliteration
suwm) And these are the definitions for the word that I saw from Strong's concordance
1) to put, place, set, appoint, make
a) (Qal)
1) to put, set, lay, put or lay upon, lay (violent) hands on
2) to set, direct, direct toward
a) to extend (compassion) (fig)
3) to set, ordain, establish, found, appoint, constitute, make, determine, fix
4) to set, station, put, set in place, plant, fix
5) to make, make for, transform into, constitute, fashion, work, bring to pass, appoint, give
b) (Hiphil) to set or make for a sign
c) (Hophal) to be set

Here to me the definitions of the Hebrew word don't seem to represent her putting on her cover girl. I heard while in the org. she was 1) preparing for burial or 2)wanting to seduce.

Another point I want to make is in my heart I don't feel condemned by this scripture. Just because Jezebel painted her face doesn't mean I have the same spirit in doing so as she had. A women can modestly put on makeup without looking indecent.

I wanted to stop using this scripture to condemn my other Christian sisters to hell. I wanted to stop thinking I was the only one truly right with God. I believe thinking a women is going to hell because she wears makeup using this one scripture is straining on a gnat.

Jezebel painted her face I might paint my face but I am not a Jezebel unless I have the spirit of a Jezebel. Its not what we wear or don't wear that makes us holy its whats on the inside that counts. I think modesty is important but as far as all these other things they are superficial.

I used to depend so much on my outward holiness and be so critical of others. They would tell me they were a Christian and in my heart I would be like why don't you look like me then or why are you not obedient to you Bible and grow your hair and so forth. After time I saw who I was and asked for God to change my heart.

I remember how for members to wear a dress and stop cutting there hair was of utmost importance because then they were really in. I always looked at holiness as the fruit of receiving the Holy Spirit. Well for years according to those standards no one in our church was even truly serving God.

a peaceful♥

Anonymous said...

I kept waiting for them to grow in his grace and knowledge and it never seemed to happen and I didn't want to force feed it down their throats and neither did my Husband. I remember how lonely I felt and how a sister came up to give me a hug and I thought to myself this doesn't comfort me she is not a Christian (like me). That time right there was a pivotal moment in my life and I really stepped back and looked at myself and I didn't like what I saw.

I prayed for God to change my heart and began to look at things differently and soon I was truly able to fellowship with them and receive comfort from loneliness because I wasn't putting myself on a higher plane than them anymore.

The change was glorious and brought a huge freedom in my heart and life and God began to mold and shape me it was almost as if there was a transformation in me. As I began to stop condemning others for these things after a long period of time I began to stop condemning myself for them.

It took a process of about 3 years for me to really break away from this old way of thinking but when I did break away from it I felt I was able to relate to people better and love them more as Christ does.

Sir if I was to know beyond a shadow of a doubt all these outward things would send me to hell I wouldn't trade my walk with God for anything in this world esp. not a stupid makeup compact a pair or pants or a a hair style. But you see they wont send me to hell because I am saved by the blood of Christ not by these other things.

I believe for a very long time I was Pharisaical and like a whited tomb with dead mens bones on the inside. I wish every Christian could experience this peace and freedom the Lord has given me. I still feel like a fish out of water having had been in the church for so many years and having had ties cut off but God will continue to lead me.

a peaceful♥

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the insight Don and Ange I feel kinda dumb for putting that up there without restudying it but oh well I am not infallible and make mistakes. I will look up that link you gave me thanks :)

A peaceful♥

Don and Ange said...

Dear Peaceful,

You can feel dumb, if that is what makes you happy (smile)... Pretty sure you've heard the variation of that...

We immediately saw an intelligent person with a real heart for God. So true what you wrote about condemning others (without condemning those who taught that way of life)... Glad you have found freedom and peace and pray for your continual healing. We are sure you are 'preaching to the choir' as you share your personal journey to freedom.

Don and Ange

Anonymous said...

An excerpt from Rev Ashmore:

" What are YOU preaching???

Is it only a message based around your personal experience, establishing your experience as the norm and standard for everyone else??? As though, people aren’t saved unless they got it the same way you did??? What then of Paul’s statement, “FOR WE PREACH NOT OURSELVES”???

Is your preaching based on some clever illustration or historical account from world history you have found, OR, are you preaching JESUS THE WORD and DEMONSTRATING HIS POWER to those who come to hear you???

There is enough material in the scriptures to keep us occupied until Christ comes back!

The Holy Spirit uses the WORD, i.e., the GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST to do His convicting and transforming work, NOT just clever illustrations from history or otherwise!

Why not proclaim the many illustrations found in scripture?

Why not quote Peter, James and John???

I need not look to clever quotes from so-called great men outside of scripture to attempt to make a point or impress others!

Some may feel they have really been used of God if they can get some sinner to weep at the altar, but if they haven’t brought the person to repentance and FAITH in CHRIST, what have they accomplished???

Some only give Christ an honorable mention at the end of their sermon, because they are more preoccupied with some gripe they hold for those in their congregation or someone who constantly gives them trouble, and then pride themselves in thinking they have preached the Gospel.

Thus, the devil has succeeded in keeping some so preoccupied with the “TARES” that they uproot the “WHEAT” in the process, although Christ warned us against this very thing! Then they wonder why their church never grows. "

Anonymous said...

Here's the link to the excerpt from Rev Ashmore:

Don and Ange said...

Good Morning,

Hope all are well. It's a great morning to be alive. We thank God for everyone in this community who is taking a stand for God and fighting against tyranny. It's a fight worth fighting and we are winning! When people like Sarah share their stories and realize that there is hope after all that they have been through. What a testimony.

We are enjoying our freedom and this life that God has given us. Every day brings new challenges and we are highly encouraged when we hear from folks that are going on for God outside of the ntcc.

We look back on the dark times when we lived in fear and tried to make the best of things. There were good times and bad times but through it all we finally made it to a place where we have true freedom and liberty in our lives and are able to enjoy our salvation.

We also have re-established many lasting friendships with folks who have shared in the same suffering. We feel that with everything we know and have been through that love is a more excellent way and a better approach to reaching out to people. While we speak out vehemently against the ntcc, we are do our very best to show the utmost compassion towards those that have been hurt deeply by the ntcc.

We use the same tactics against the leadership of the ntcc that they use to brainwash us and manipulate people without cause. We demand of them answers for how they have mistreated many people for many years and why they keep forcing their non-biblical principles on people. They created a hostile environment with their abusive ways and we in turn confront them in the same way they confronted us. They had very little tolerance for a persons independence and freedom; we in turn, have very little tolerance for their unnecessary displays of cruelty.

At the same time we believe that there are more souls that have received lasting damage inside and we have no judgmental words for them. These are the very ones that Christ died for and we hope that He brings healing into the hearts of all that have been harmed.

It's very encouraging when others make it through the ntcc gauntlet and find peace in their lives. We live in the hope that many others that live in fear would realize that we no longer have to. There are many people who have overcome and we look at them as inspiration to keep going and finish this race. Again we thank everyone here for your willingness to look at both sides and have the courage to think for yourselves and seek out the truth.

Don and Ange

Don and Ange said...

Gregory said,

"The NTCC’er now knows the views (in writing) of the new Sheriff (in case they were hoping for a change) with regards to how they will make it when they are old, broke, and even ill."

Don and Ange said,

"Meet the new boss; Same as the old boss."

These words are taken from the song by "The Who" entitled "Won't Get Fooled Again":

"We'll be fighting in the streets
With our children at our feet
And the morals that they worship will be gone
And the men who spurred us on
Sit in judgment of all wrong
They decide and the shotgun sings the song

I'll tip my hat to the new constitution
Take a bow for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around me
Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
And I'll get on my knees and pray
We don't get fooled again
Don't get fooled again

Change it had to come
We knew it all along
We were liberated from the fall that's all
But the world looks just the same
And history ain't changed
'Cause the banners, they all flown in the last war

I'll tip my hat to the new constitution
Take a bow for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around me
Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
And I'll get on my knees and pray
We don't get fooled again
Don't get fooled again
No, no!

I'll move myself and my family aside
If we happen to be left half alive
I'll get all my papers and smile at the sky
For I know that the hypnotized never lie

Do ya?

There's nothing in the street
Looks any different to me
And the slogans are replaced, by-the-bye
And the parting on the left
Is now the parting on the right
And the beards have all grown longer overnight

I'll tip my hat to the new constitution
Take a bow for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around me
Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
Then I'll get on my knees and pray
We don't get fooled again
Don't get fooled again
No, no!


Meet the new boss
Same as the old boss

We have to wonder if "The Who" ever attended an ntcc church.

Don and Ange

Don and Ange said...

Love the new font. It is larger and easier to read (feeling old here)


To quote Sarah, "Shine On!"

DS or GS said...

Don and Ange,


Also, regarding how font size is displayed in your browser, one of the ways to increase the size of what you want to read/look at is to hold down the "ctrl" key while simultaneously and repeatedly pressing the "=/+" key until the desired font size is reached. This works in reverse using the "-/_" key.


Anonymous said...

That article is complete plagiarism of the following article -

I guess NTCC supports folks like Deepak Chopra and other New Age thinkers...

Nicole b said...

Greg and Deb,

I just want to tell you how much it means to me that you still care about other people in and out of ntcc.

Others can leave and say, "Hey I'm still serving God and we would never say anything to anybody that we left.... except that we were being talked bad about from the lectern."

If you were in for any length of time, you led a certain amount of people to an organization that was not good, and the least a person can do is explain their current situation and show a bit of care for the people they have come across through the years.

I think your hearts are in the right place and it shows you care by communicating with other people what is going on.

It is painful to think of all the sacrifices, yelling and screaming, and humiliation were all for not and the people who caused it are celebrating about moving on to a new Christian group.

The same with the Pelfrey's. They took the time and the chance of being villified to explain to others what their experience was and they showed concern for those in and out of that group.

Don and Ange said...


If you happen upon this comment we would like to let you know that the link to your slideshare document entitled ntcc escrow explanation would not load. Not sure if it was a temporary glitch or if it was tampered with/removed for reasons unknown. If you have access to a back-up copy and wouldn't mind sending or forwarding it, we would like to include it in our most recent blog post. I know you have much more important things going on in your life now and understand if you can't get to it. We do pray for you and Deb. and hope your are doing well and look forward to your safe and speedy return.

Don and Ange

DS or GS said...

Hey Don and Ange,

The slideshare copy loads fine. So does the embedded page on your Blog. Slideshare just usually takes a while to load. I sent you a copy anyway.


Don and Ange said...

Thanks a lot Gregory,

Yesterday the slideshare program would lock up indefinitely and would not bring up the document. I attempted to open the document a few times and the program kept locking up. Ange later got it to work. Thank you for sending the back-up copy. Hopefully it will continue to work. Also I apologize for the two g's.

Don and Ange

Anonymous said...

I love the comment "We Are Winning" under the picture of the destitute family. I know it's not a laughing matter, because there are many who are struggling to make ends meet in NTCC.


DS or GS said...


I had a few options for that...

We are winning.

God Loves me.

NTCC retirement plan.

The Lord be Blessing.

God is Faithful.

