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Same as cutting. |
I have been thinking about the following for years (even before NTCC stopped renewing my Ordained Minister's License in 2009).
Question: Since Paul talks about a woman’s hair being a covering, a glory to a women, and an example, why is it alright to style with an up-do/french roll, bun, etc, when this prevents a woman's long hair from being a covering—effectively mimicking short hair?
A woman’s hair done in an up-do looks great in most cases, as does short hair in some cases. Some may cite convenience, but wearing a dress is inconvenient (in most settings), and wearing heels is inconvenient (in all settings).
Some may say it keeps hair out of the way (which it does), but is a woman’s glory, and the example a woman’s long hair sets, and the physical modesty it provides, something that should be perceived as getting in the way?
Isn’t one woman putting her hair up the same as another woman looking for a loophole, and burning or perming her hair shorter? They both do it for the same reasons, though the spirit and motives may be different.
What about women who wear wigs? Why don’t they get the absolute longest wig they can, instead of the short ones that the wig wearing women in NTCC buy, and wear?
My point is not that women should have short hair, but that NTCC women should always wear their hair down, and not style it at all, since any styling (curling, perming, tying it in a pony or pig tail or bun, etc) will cause the hair to lay shorter on the body, or prevent it from being a covering (as in the case of a pony tail). I say NTCC women because NTCC is the one with the Bible-based doctrine, which they don’t completely, and logically, apply.
Permed hair will be as much as one foot shorter (depending on how long it is, and before all the breakage starts) than un-permed hair; how is this different than cutting the hair up to one foot shorter, when one Biblical consideration is that hair should be a covering?
Look on NTCC's 'official' website, on the 'Church Locator' link—how many wives wear their hair up; what is it covering? Sorry, the "Church Locator" links no longer show pictures of who is Pastoring what church (probably because of this article; NTCC is completely reactive after all).
As everyone knows by now, Verna always wears a wig. But she cuts it if it is too long. If she's going to wear a wig why wouldn't Verna buy and wear the absolute longest one she could buy?
Also, what's the difference between wearing a wig and dying your hair?
Also, Verna Davis could easily get enough money from Senior Pastor Davis to get a custom made wig that is down to her knees.
Also, why does God allow Black Women to have kinky hair, since this prevents their hair from being a covering? Does God not want Black women in heaven?
As everyone knows by now, Verna always wears a wig. But she cuts it if it is too long. If she's going to wear a wig why wouldn't Verna buy and wear the absolute longest one she could buy?
Also, what's the difference between wearing a wig and dying your hair?
Also, Verna Davis could easily get enough money from Senior Pastor Davis to get a custom made wig that is down to her knees.
Also, why does God allow Black Women to have kinky hair, since this prevents their hair from being a covering? Does God not want Black women in heaven?
Any input?
I remember a certain teacher saying that a woman ought ALWAYS to style her hair. It was taught that to go into public with long, straight "unstyled" hair was disgraceful, "redneck", "ghetto" etc.
Biblically, a woman with long straight, "unstyled" hair is exhibiting more Godliness and shamedfacedness and modesty than the woman with the $200 perm or man made vanity wig.
1Ti 2:9 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;
1Ti 2:10 But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.
So who or what gets to define "broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;" ??
Our perception of ntcc was that the hair 'policy' [rule] was largely one of control. Hair is highly visible; and in ntcc used as a quick indication of who is "in" [saved]; and who is not [rebellious or lost]. The hair 'policy' in ntcc applies to men and women alike. Those who do not obey this 'policy' are looked down upon and treated differently than those who follow the 'policy' [rule]...(more on this later).
The bottom line is that the ntcc twists the hair related scriptures in order to create one more ntcc control mechanism and litmus test to see who is "in" and who is "out" of the ntcc.
Don and Ange
Good points all,
But, my point is long hair on women is not a covering if it is styled in an up-do. And doesn't cover as well when down if it is styled. NTCC's most popular choice of hair styling (the up-do) violates one of the Bible's stated uses of a woman's long hair...for a covering.
1Ti 2:9 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;
OK1 this verse raises an important question- "costly array"... think of a rich wife in NTCC... hmm.. does she NOT violate the plain dictate of scripture? Costly array!!!
OK- gold or silver, pearls... how many in NTCC have INDEED worn a diamond necklace in direct VIOLATION of the WORD! how can they justify it? OR GOLD... people something's gotta give... you can't have it both ways...
You are so right, Deb, they cannot have it both ways. We've all heard RW say that if one woman gets to heaven who has cut her hair- He will have to apologize to the angels that fell.
This shows RW's as well as a lot of "holiness" movements' teachings. If this was so important- Paul would have put in every sermon and letter he wrote. ...not just one isolated passage in 1 Cor. 11. And for some outward thing to be pivotal to salvation- it makes no sense with all scripture written by various authors over centuries.
Salvation was always faith in the BLOOD to satisfy the demands of righteousness. The just shall live by faith is the theme of the Bible. But some have tried to add one thing or another- whether baptism, circumcision, not eating meats, etc... to control WHO THEY SAY will or will not be saved!
But an outward act that is critical to righteousness? this would mean - well how short is a man's hair- God would have to say- for example- 4 inches is the limit. Then we would know. And if a woman must have it long - then what about if it falls out?
I see women from Russia who wear the scarves- as a covering- everywhere here... I'm sure they feel "good" that they do it- and do feel its a part of their "righteousness" BUT THINK: if it did - it would end the power of Christ's sacrifice.
Thats a good point and you have exposed a significant contradiction of "doctrine" and/or "policy" vs. the actual behaviour of those teaching and preaching.
I did notice long ago that the official Doctrinal Statement of NTCC does not mention women's hair, dress, or occupation. I don't understand how it can be so significant to heaven's judgment and not be written in the offical Doctrinal Statement.
The secret is: "you're not supposed to think" just "follow blindly". If someone preaches loudly or vehemently- oh! they must be a great prophet and understand all of God's dictates, and they must be infallible- right? Wrong!
We know because we are older - now... but the "young" are fertile ground to be either filled with good- or polluted with false teaching. That's why all cults -or- churches with cult-like overtones, have to prey on the young, and inexperienced.
Alas! Alas!
I clicked on the Church Locator link and it links me only to a an error message!
Alas! Alas! What shall I do? I am tormented by the fact I am unable to locate the nearest New Testament Christian Church!
O woe is Me! What shall I do?
Anonymous said,
"Since Paul talks about a woman’s hair being a covering, a glory to a women, and an example, why is it alright to style with an up-do/french roll, bun, etc, when this prevents a woman's long hair from being a covering—effectively mimicking short hair?"
Don and Ange said,
One can only conclude that the ntcc uses the "hair Doctrine" as a form of control and an indicator if one is "in the boat" or "saved and filled with the Holy Ghost."
It seems like somewhere along the way the ntcc got their priorities mixed up. They would use terms like "chop off" and get your hair "bobbed off" to make it more sinful. The emphasis was on the horrible deed of cutting hair so that they could label people. If you let it grow long then they could further humiliate women in public by talking about how bad it looked, and how it needed to be styled a certain way.
I don't care how people wear their hair and don't believe that you can get a "get out of hell free card" by growing it long. You really have to twist the scriptures to place someone in hell for wearing make-up also. I've seen ntcc preachers rail on people with ear rings calling them devil stirrups and that people wore them so the devil could hitch a ride on their shoulders. Please give me a break.
The objective of the ntcc was to make everybody that fits into a certain category to seem exceedingly sinful and to make those who complied with their doctrine feel like they were in a different class. They are special and more Christlike because of what they do on the outside. I have to say that there are times in my life that I've seen short haired women with make-up and ear rings show more Christianity and love towards their fellow human beings than those in the ntcc that comply with the ntcc's version of holiness. Then the ntcc coined the term "holiness" and filed all of their control mechanisms under it. "These are the things that make you holy".
How does the bible define holiness? In the old testament, it meant to be set apart and there were many rituals that fell into that definition. In the new testament there were many uses for the word depending on which scripture you read. The ntcc uses the scripture, "Follow peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord" Heb 12:14. This use of the word holiness meant consecration, sanctification of heart and mind and purity. Was Paul preaching to the Hebrews about following peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord talking about hair length and make-up and ear rings? You be the judge. But don't be surprised when you get to heaven and find yourself next to that the short haired, make-up wearing, and jewelry wearing woman that teaches Jesus loves you to orphans and the homeless, and shows God's love through their actions more than you do through your outward appearance.
Don and Ange
Interestingly, I went to another "holiness" church for awhile after leaving NTCC, and their doctrine was that unmarried women should wear their hair down, and married women should wear it up. Their reasoning came from 1 Cor 11, which they interpreted to mean that a woman's hair constituted a symbol of the authority of her husband over her, and that the phrase "power on her head" means that the hair must all be on the head, instead of cascading down the shoulders and back.
Even though they were just as kooky as NTCC in many ways, they were bush league in comparison when it came to control and abusiveness. I eventually figured out that most of what passes for holiness in certain church circles is counterfeit.
WaHaHaHa... We noticed that the ntcc church locator was no longer functional; but it wasn't until we read this thread that we realized WHY! Ha Ha. Once again ntcc is trying to hide its true colors (or hairstyles)! Ha Ha.
Nobody lights a candle and puts it under a bushel basket (or ugly wig!)
Come out from amoung them and be an INDIVIDUAL as God has ordained, rather than the ntcc clone that davis / kekel want you to be... =D
Don and Ange and Cousin It
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