Matthew 18:15-17 (King James Version)

Matthew 18:15-17 (the King James separates wheat from chaff)...Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.

Proverbs 6:16-19 (King James Version)

Proverbs 6:16-19 (the King James talks straight-talk)...These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

Proverbs 31:10-28 (King James Version)

Proverbs 31:10-28 (the King James woman works a job)...Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life. She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands. She is like the merchants' ships; she bringeth her food from afar. She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens. She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard. She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms. She perceiveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not out by night. She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff. She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy. She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet. She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple. Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land. She maketh fine linen, and selleth it; and delivereth girdles unto the merchant. Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come. She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness. She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness. Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.


1st time visitor w. w. says NTCC “seems like a cult” (originally posted 2/3/2011)…

All Christians pay tithe 
and give offerings.
I was invited to visit a church by a long time acquaintance. She said she has been going there for 2 years and she really likes it. I went Sunday (1/30/11). The preacher was blasting rich people and all their possessions. I started looking through my bible for the scripture, "But we know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, for our sakes he became poor that we might be rich, that through his poverty we might be rich."

After I placed my Bible on the pew, the preacher came out of the pulpit with mike in hand and asked who I was. I told him. He asked my acquaintance if she had invited me. She said yes pastor. He asked me if I thought he was mean. I said "Sir, I dont know anything about you." He said youve got some opinion about me; youre looking through your bible. He stopped bending over me and stood up straight. I quoted the scripture that I had been searching for. He said I know that scripture and started walking back toward the front. Thats not what Im talking about. You need to get your facts straight before you start challenging people.

I said you came to me. He whirled around, pointed his finger at me and with mike to his mouth said, SHUT UP! in a deep and gruff voice.

I sat there a few minutes and listened to him. He went back to the pulpit and started giving his resume, saying how he has preached all over the world, and he studies his bible, and he knows what hes talking about.

I told my acquaintance that I was leaving, Im never coming back, and Im taking my offering with me. She said softly no, no, stay. Dont go. I waited awhile longer. He never got back to the Bible. He stated, Ive got money. I put three children through college. Ive got a bank account. I got a new car backed up out there...pointing toward the parking lot.

I asked her to give me a reason why I should stay after this man had told me to shut up. She started writing a note.This is my church home. The preacher blasted her calling her by name saying, "If she is distracting you". I told her Im leaving. I gathered my things and stood up. He blasted me again and had the congregation clap because I was leaving.

I said no, let me clap because Im leaving, yall are making a mockery out of Jesus Christ!

I went to the guest registry and stated scratching out my name and address. A fat woman came to me huffing and puffing and said stop that. I didnt stop but told her that I didnt want my name on their registry. She was looking mean and grabbed my hand hard and said well take care of that, you need to leave. Another fat woman came to me and said mam you need to leave! The first one let me go. I told them not to contact me for any reason.

I turned to walk away when I heard a male child running up behind me saying, You cant treat my daddy like that! I heard a man tell him sternly Boy, get back in that church! I never looked back.

I got in my car; drove to where my husband was at church. I told him all about what had happened to me. He said where is this church? Were going to see that preacher. They had no business laying a hand on you. He had no business shouting at you and telling you to shut up.

We were met outside in the rain by the assoc. pastor. My husband asked, Are you the pastor? The man said, Im the Assoc. Pastor. He said Id like to see the pastor. The man said, Hes in his study. My husband said, I want to know what happened here today, and why yall disrespected my wife. The man said, Sir no one disrespected your wife. You dont know the whole story. My husband asked three times, "What is the whole story"? The man never opened his mouth he just clenched his lips. A man in a green suite opened the door and stood there and asked my husband 3 times, Were you here with your wife today? My husband did not answer. The man told my husband that he was wrong for not answering his question. Then he said that we were on their property. I told my husband to lets go. As we were leaving I left them with this comment. This is not a church, this is a cult and Im going to put you on blast!

New Testament Christian Church located at the corner of TV Road and 5005 Barrier Place
Jackson, MS 39204 (601) 372-6137 Pastor L. C. Barnes

On their website is this statement
If you would like more information about our churches, doctrine or locations, please feel free to contact us. We would be glad to hear from you and we welcome visitors!

I was never welcomed. Those women who thought it necessary to insist that I leave certainly were not welcoming. They can take that statement off the website. They are not living up to your mission nor the full-gospel message of Jesus Christ. Barnes never lifted up the name of Jesus but he tried with all his might to humiliate and tare me down. Ive never met anyone so insecure in their knowledge of Jesus Christ.



Anonymous said...

Well.. you know that's all a big lie.. CL Barnes has never needed a Mic a day in his life. Sounds like the "sista" had a little to much go-go juice.

Anonymous said...

If I were your husband I would have dragged the coward "pastor" (hireling) out and put a beating on him. I am impressed that you have the knowledge and the guts to stand up for yourself against these tyrants



DS or GS said...


That is true...Pastor Barnes does not need a mike. But, have you ever been to this church? I have, and he uses a mike.

The Sister's testimony of Pastor Barnes' conduct rings true. I have seen him in action myself.


Anonymous said...

G don't you think before you drag a man's name through the mud you need to have more then just a "ring" of truth... seems the Bible says something about that.

Anonymous said...

Mud-slinging-anonymous-coward said, "G don't you think before you drag a man's name through the mud you need to have more then just a "ring" of truth... seems the Bible says something about that." ... A fact that NTCC routinely ignores. A command from God that NTCC routinely breaks. NTCC has the biggest pulpit bullies who "drag a man's name through the mud" almost in every service that they stand behind the pulpit. No wonder they always pray "hide him behind the cross" for whoever is bullying during that service! The ntcc bullies say such outlandish things from the pulpit and in cyberspace all without a second witness, or proof, or verification, or even the chance for the person being slandered or libeled being able to defend their good name; simply because that innocent person is often not present while r w davis and m c kekel and kompany smear that person's good name. r w davis and m c kekel are some of the worst at "drag[ging] a man's [or a woman's] name through the mud" just like the first anonymous poster did by saying "Sounds like the "sista" had a little to[o] much go-go juice." dragging the name of the woman "w.w." through the mud . . .

Try applying your own advice to your own sorry-mud-slinging-self before you open your trap or keyboard again!

Anonymous said...

r w davis loves to stop at Frank's Pizza A Go Go in St. Louis near the Holly Hills church. Perhaps kekel is the "brave" [ahem] anonymous poster here and has familiarity with this archaic concept of go-go juice for that very reason. But even if it is not kekel here, he and davis have multiple counts of slander / gossip / mud-slinging and malicious behavior to their name. They will have to answer to God for those things. This testimony of "w.w." must be true! Because it has stirred quite a strong response. But all the response is just a dodge to try and change the subject and discredit "w.w." and the bloggers that show how evil and viscious ntcc "ministers" are... so THANK YOU anonymous! By taking your cheap shots you have once again proven that our witness is true! We write true stories about ntcc and the abusive people who run ntcc. We see other people validating what "w.w." described as barnes being an abusive person. So we believe "w.w." DID write a true story. More power to her!

We know that what barnes did was straight up the davis "don't let them bring a Bible to church" doctrinal alley. davis taught that junk for years; so no wonder if barnes parroted it and responded as "w.w" described. It's just more proof of how messed up the so-called "church" NTCC is! Because they get bent out of shape when people read their bibles! THAT sounds like satan! Christ read the scripture. He didn't use it to beat people up like what anonymous is trying to do, as a true Pharisee, alluding to the bible but not first applying it to his or her own sorry self. HYPOCRITE! LIVE IT BEFORE YOU PREACH IT OR TAKE BARNES' ADVICE AND "SHUT UP!"

DS or GS said...


Yes, there should be more than just a 'ring' of truth, but as I said in my comment, I (and Jeff) have personally seen Pastor Barnes do these very things before, so if you want to disregard 1st-time-visitor-w.w.'s testimony, Jeff's and mine still remain.

If two witnesses are not enough, take this up with God.


DS or GS said...


As far as your 'mud' comment goes...w.w. is the one who shared this testimony, not me; and yes, there should be more than just a 'ring' of truth.

But as I said in my comment, I (and Jeff) have personally seen Pastor Barnes do these very things before, so if you want to disregard 1st-time-visitor-w.w.'s testimony, Jeff's and mine still remain.

If two witnesses are not enough, take this up with God.


Chief said...

Greg said...

I (and Jeff) have personally seen Pastor Barnes do these very things before, so if you want to disregard 1st-time-visitor-w.w.'s testimony, Jeff's and mine still remain.

Jeff said...

Like Greg said; this isn't about the ladies statement alone. I've been to Barnes church plenty of times and I know how he acts. He is a control monger, authoritarian, bully. Bottom line. The only reason I want back to his church is because I was brainwashed just like everyone else in the NTCC. It is what it is but now I see the light because there is too much evidence to ignore it any longer. The NTCC is no more then a family money making business/cult with nepotism from one end to the other.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You've seen Rev. Barnes tell someone to "Shut up"



Anonymous said...

What's wrong lyer Shunk, cat got you tongue? When have you ever seen Rev. Barnes tell someone to "Shut up"

Anonymous said...

On his blog Michael Kekel said, (months ago might be erased by now), that he owes Casey Hayes an apology. He falsely accused Casey Hayes and said something about Casey going to Florida to play golf.

Michael later said that the information was wrong. I don't believe that Michael had two witnesses. I wonder if Michael Kekel has given Casey Hayes the apology that he said he owed him?

Anonymous said...

chirp.. chirp... chirp

DS or GS said...

Anonymous 1 & 2,

Good catch.

Maybe Jeff has, but I don't recall Pastor Barnes (20 year retired Army E-5) telling a female 1st time visitor, whose husband was simultaneously going to another church service at a different church, who had brought her Bible, and was looking up 2 Corinthians 8:9 during service, to shut up. More importantly, (in the interest of full repentance and disclosure) I was not in this particular church service. I thought people knowing this would be a given, sorry.

But, I have seen Pastor Barnes use a microphone, talk about money for extended periods of time, brag about how much he prays and reads his Bible (give his resume), beat the ‘tithe horse’ to death, get off message, come off the pulpit and up the aisle, belittle other churches and ministries, get people to clappin’, forbid people bringing Bibles to church and flippin’ through pages, brag about times he has gotten in a person’s grill (and what it was for).

I have seen Pastor Barnes whirl around, point his finger, use a deep and gruff voice, talk about his money, cars, etc., and blast people.

I have also seen two fat women in his church, his 1st time visitor registry, and have seen it rain in Jackson.

Again, good catch…thanks for keeping this discussion honest and on track. I’ll be more careful, and hopefully therefore credible, from now on.


Anonymous said...

And how about you Greg.. Did you do these dastardly things? Cuz I sure seem to remember you absolute stupid tirade about women's pants and the impressions made in them by their body parts... Was that an examaple of you're ministry cuz that junk never came from our doctrine, school, or leaders...

How did you spend so much time in Rev. Barnes church to ever hear him that "extensively" and by the way were you that critical in your thinking of him all the while extending the hand of friendship to him?

Jeff said...

Barnes was an up in your face kind of guy, always. I spent enough time in his church to know. He was always calling someone out. That is the way Barnes is so I have no doubt that he told this lady to shut up. I asked him about the salary of an ROTC job that he said he was offered and he told me that didn't concern me. Like it was some kind of secret or like I was prying into his business or something.

That dude acted like some kind of Drill Sergeant who was just waiting to put you in your place. It was natural to him and I'm supposed to not believe that he told a lady to quote "shut up". I don't doubt it at all. What reason would the lady have to lie?

Like I said. Barnes is just a jerk and that is based on my personal observation.


DS or GS said...

Anonymous February 07, 2011 9:48 PM,

Sharing observations, and backing up what someone else says is not the same as being critical. Those that would label this as such, merely have a problem with what is being said about their Cult.

But, here is how I know what I know: Deborah and I Pastored a church (1997 - before any changes, and the internet started directing what NTCC did) in the area of fellowship with the Jackson, MS church. So, I have seen him in action preaching, leading service, leading offering, and leading alter call in about 9 services. Not counting the numerous times he has preached, etc in conferences I have attended. And the many multiple hours I have spent personally fellow-shipping with him during fellowship meetings, and during conferences.

Plus, I talked to him (and Rev. Crain) on the phone during this time. Since they were both mentoring me (with the approval of the Cult), as I was a brand new Pastor. Rev. Crain liked to talk about what he had preached Sunday morning, and Rev. Barnes liked to share gossip about his church, and what he blasted people about (among other things).

But, Pastor Barnes has now left the Cult…So maybe you no longer care at all about what is said about him, and would like to say your own “dastardly things” about him?

In His Service,


Anonymous said...

I grew up in NTCC when Pastor G. l. Crain was the pastor (im not sure who Pastor Barnes is) when it was located in New Orleans Louisiana I felt it was a cult back then i hated going to church with my grandmother and now that im an adult now i know why there were alot of things that Pastor Crain had members doing that weren't of God for example One sis was on Welfare and he made her pay her tithe by taking his family food shopping My family was scared of Pastor Crain he was very manipulative and intimidating and he we didn't go to church or pay our tithes we would receive a home visit from him Then one day my grandmother told me that she decided that she wasn't going to NTCC anymore and i was so happy relieved then i asked her why and she said "I felt like i was going to church to please Pastor Crain and not God"