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Pentecostals blur this distinction in their own mind. Their actions eventually follow suit. They will justify these actions to anyone they can; don't interupt them while they are. |
This is not an anti-NTCC post. I stopped posting those after the death of Pastor Davis in 2014.
I would like to go to a Pentecostal church, but in the light of the below article, this is just not possible. Christians are required to break fellowship with the covetous. What about all the gluttons who attend church? I can't go to those either for the same reason. It seems I have reasoned myself out of going anywhere. Yet, I'll compromise, and go to church in the morning.
About three and one-half years ago, after four whole seconds of intense reflection I had an epiphany…I have never knowingly met a Pentecostal who was not eventually covetous. While I am not positive of the root cause(s) which foments this sin in the Pentecostal walk with god, I am intimately acquainted (through observation and personal experience) with the justification that keeps it brewing…MEN PLEASING.
I would like to go to a Pentecostal church, but in the light of the below article, this is just not possible. Christians are required to break fellowship with the covetous. What about all the gluttons who attend church? I can't go to those either for the same reason. It seems I have reasoned myself out of going anywhere. Yet, I'll compromise, and go to church in the morning.
About three and one-half years ago, after four whole seconds of intense reflection I had an epiphany…I have never knowingly met a Pentecostal who was not eventually covetous. While I am not positive of the root cause(s) which foments this sin in the Pentecostal walk with god, I am intimately acquainted (through observation and personal experience) with the justification that keeps it brewing…MEN PLEASING.
This takes the form(s) of:
· Keeping up with the Jones’s (this reason is solely driven by the Christian's ego, and is contrary to God’s Will and Word)…
· searching for ways to “show-off showcase” the “works-of-man blessings-o'-god” to mankind. (this also potentially tempts [a separate sin] other Pentecostals to sin through covetousness [see first bullet point] ) This falls under the additional guise/justification of “this (whatever the current justification-o'-the-day is) will draw more souls to christ.” Speaking from personal experience, I have never known of anyone (myself included) not coming/going to church (or not getting saved) because of the church property. Unless it was not wanting to go into a high crime area to go to a particular church location.
Add some of your own…
While it is inarguable covetousness is a sin, it is argued what constitutes covetousness.
· Covet another person's spouse – bad. Covet a new spouse – it's okay sometimes, no big deal.
· Covet another person's home – bad. Covet your own home – good.
· Covet another person’s money – bad. Covet your own money – good.
· Covet new songbooks – good. Covet new pews – good.
· Covet new church clothes – good. Covet a new sanctuary – good
· Covet a love offering from your congregation – good
· Ad infinitum...
Yet covetousness is covetousness is covetousness. As with all sin, God’s word does not qualify or quantify it. Coveting things for god’s man-made kingdom are still covetousness and therefore still a sin. (a future article may address gluttony)
I like a t-shirt I occasionally see: "Don't judge me because I sin different than you."
Another saying I like, that I haven't seen on a t-shirt or bumper sticker is: "Judge me, but be perfect the rest of your life."
I like a t-shirt I occasionally see: "Don't judge me because I sin different than you."
Another saying I like, that I haven't seen on a t-shirt or bumper sticker is: "Judge me, but be perfect the rest of your life."
Definition of covetous (from Merriam–Webster):
2: having a craving for possession.
Choose the best Synonym(s) for covetous (from Merriam–Webster):
covetous, greedy, acquisitive, grasping, avaricious mean having or showing a strong desire for especially material possessions. covetous implies inordinate desire often for another's possessions. greedy stresses lack of restraint and often of discrimination in desire (greedy for status symbols). acquisitive implies both eagerness to possess and ability to acquire and keep. grasping adds to covetous and greedy an implication of selfishness and often suggests unfair or ruthless means. avaricious implies obsessive acquisitiveness especially of money and strongly suggests stinginess.
If you are being goaded to argue any of the above, maybe first go here to read all the verses containing the “c” word in the KJV Bible. Click on the site provided context link and site provided chapter link for additional discernment.
Also, I know one or two other sects of Christianity are covetousness, and although consensus doesn’t really change God’s Word, this article is only dealing with Pentecostal’s special brand of covetousness.
For the true scholars joining us, consulting Strong’s will not disprove anything in the above premise (sotto voce – it will merely be an additional witness).
BONUS EXERCISE: Inform a been-around-for-a-while Pentecostal (especially a Pastor) you won’t break bread with them anymore because they are covetous (or a glutton), and brace yourself for their version of a christ-like response/reaction. You may even be rebuked in the “name of jesus” as I was.
Also, to go out on the limb even farther, and paint myself more thoroughly into my corner...No-one will be able to provide any example which will not have covetousness as its root cause.
Again, this is not an anti-NTCC article. The topic comes from general observations. Merely emphasizing a neglected portion of the Bible.
Also, to go out on the limb even farther, and paint myself more thoroughly into my corner...No-one will be able to provide any example which will not have covetousness as its root cause.
Again, this is not an anti-NTCC article. The topic comes from general observations. Merely emphasizing a neglected portion of the Bible.
In His service,
Gregory the unlearned
It seems that there are so many churches, denominations and doctrines. Everyone has their own way to get to heaven. It seems quite dangerous to trust something as important as your eternal destination into the hands of someone who claims their way is right and everyone else's is wrong. IMO it is safer to look at the examples in the New Testament like for instance Jesus. He didn't seem to have any doctrines he was pushing on people. Perhaps if we took the time, labor and finances that we would normally spend in church and repurposed it to helping others, it might go a lot further.
Don the unchurched
Good points Don the unchurched. Resources would go a lot further if they were used after the pattern in the Testaments. There is too much us against them and we are better than you.
Gregory the unlearned
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