Matthew 18:15-17 (King James Version)

Matthew 18:15-17 (the King James separates wheat from chaff)...Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.

Proverbs 6:16-19 (King James Version)

Proverbs 6:16-19 (the King James talks straight-talk)...These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

Proverbs 31:10-28 (King James Version)

Proverbs 31:10-28 (the King James woman works a job)...Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life. She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands. She is like the merchants' ships; she bringeth her food from afar. She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens. She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard. She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms. She perceiveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not out by night. She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff. She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy. She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet. She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple. Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land. She maketh fine linen, and selleth it; and delivereth girdles unto the merchant. Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come. She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness. She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness. Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.


"SHUNK" -- A Must Read Article on Rev. Kekel's Blog (merely another hit piece by the adminstrative man of prayer) originally posted 4/25/2010...

Married 18+ Years, and Counting.

Hello all,

An article on Rev. Kekel's Blog was pointed out to us by a concerned citizen. This one is called "Shunk".

No honorific for me? No Mister, Sir, Reverend, etc? But, I always ensure I address him by his required titles(s)? No reciprocation? Pity (although, I don't have a phobia of casual appellations as Rev. Kekel had). Do I smell more hypocrisy in the air? Stranger things have happened.

Here is the link: (Pastor Kekel deleted this article 12 September 2010, I guess his conscience for libeling Deb and me became too much to bear, even for him...good for him. I do still have a copy of the original article if anyone is interested. I archive all of his blogs.)

Here is the link to the archived copy.

Here are a few highlights from what Rev. Kekel writes in this insightful article:

• 'Debbie' put away her first husband...
• 'Debbie' blames Pastor for being partial to his Grandson and causing her divorce...
• I married my Pastor's wife...
• My demeanor was a trifle strange, very stiff, loud, and military-like...
• Pastor sent me a good sum of money (yet Rev. Kekel doesn't include exactly when, why, and how much it was; I wonder why)...
• Graham was the best thing that ever happened to me; a great blessing to me...
• My method of communication disturbed him...
• I cut off my phone, communication with the office, and leadership...
• While I worked weekends, Deborah Ministered in our church...
• Deborah worked on a secular job...
• In emails I used pretty offensive and insulting tones...
• I threw raging tantrums toward Korean Co-Workers...
• I jacked-up brethren...
• I became obsessed with what would happen to my wife if I died...
• I was given reimbursements for unauthorized expenditures (which I demanded)...
• I came to Korea, and when I left there was little left...
• We would become mad, if he (Rev. Kekel) showed Deborah's Sister emails from me...
• Deborah's Sister would be mad at him, if he (Rev. Kekel) didn't show her emails from me...
• I prevented the leadership from contacting Deborah...
• I asked "Ramtha Man" to do this (whatever 'this' is; Ramtha Man is Bruce)...
• etc...

BONUS CONTENT: Rev. Kekel also includes snippets of emails from me.

See what I mean? Compelling stuff. Read the entire article (and the comments); you will be glad you did.

A trusted source wrote: "I know that when I spoke last with Kekel on the phone, he told me twice in one conversation, Debbie 'better hope nobody goes digging around in her trash can.' He must have been talking about himself cuz shortly after he wrote his attempted slam on her character. I found nothing wrong with her in his entry, even though he tried portraying her as some bad wife, saying 'Greg got the job.' Real classy of him to say that about a Christian lady."




Tracy said...

Greg and Deb,

There is not one thing at all damning in anything that Kekel posted about the two of you and I plan on going into greater detail on this because Kekel needs to be exposed at every turn when he tries to smear people as good and decent as the two of you are and have been.

I, quite frankly, don't see what there was to be upset about that Kekel felt the need to show Deb's sister. Am I missing some vital piece to this puzzle?

Kekel should be more concerned about his behavior...such as when he slandered Vic's daughter when he posted as The Whirlwind on Factnet.

What? a church went into a downward spiral in Korea when you took over? I doubt that very much. Very likely what happened is you introduced some freedom to the folks there and they weren't strong-armed into serving God and being in every single service...things which NTCC regards as being "Successful".

You worked? Since when is that a crime? What's criminal is that Davis and Kekel and Olson, et al...don't work. Does he have a problem with Gesang and his lizard business? I guess we will find out if the Gesangs ever get smart and leave.

The smear continues against Bruce Smith by Kekel because he is very agitated that FINALLY some local media outlet has been gutsy enough to look into their business...monkey business and funny business and all of the other businesses they've got goin' on.

The smear against any of us is meant to take the focus off of NTCC.

Is it a Mystery Sherlock that I once loved NTCC and now I don't? It's such a revelation that Kekel has to post that drivel on his private blog?

Is it really an expose-ay that you and Deb are no longer enamored with this group that Kekel has to post emails showing how you used to?

Hey Kekel...dude....I've got plenty of glowing emails sent from you and your french-manicured fingered, big diamond-ring-wearing wife which testify to your love and devotion to us, but I know you don't feel the same why in the world would I post those? To prove the obvious? That at one time you did, but as soon as we left, you did not?

It's so 8th grade!!!

Those who are in will think that Kekel's hand has been forced to do this public outing of you both because he must expose the devil...for the sake of God's flock.

Only thing's those of us who are out which are doing the exposing and who are also gaining the attention of the media and I'm in it for the long haul. I will not cease, until they close their doors for good...whether of their own free will or by government force.

If you are demonized for working to provide for yourself...then that speaks volumes about this group and many of us have been in that position.

NTCC would rather see us drain our bank accounts to keep local churches afloat paying high rent and the like and to claim ourselves a Success bny not working on the job...and struggling to keep the bills paid and food on the please their sorry behinds.

That group and its leaders are no more godly than my lawn mower.

Can you tell? I'm totally disgusted.

Anonymous said...

That was awesome!!! Kekel made himself look like a complete ass once again!!!
Trying to find fault with Greg's courteous and to-the-point communications will really just add to the doubt they have in their hearts already about this corrupt organization.

Praise God!!!!

I have a question though- Why does Kekel know what Greg and Deb were both making for salary????

Does anyone know what Kekel makes for a salary? Is it not a double standard to post for the world to see what Greg & Deb were both making in Korea and to keep your own salary hidden from everybody???
Especially as a so-called minister, i have asked kekel a number of times what he makes and he refuses to tell me- it is really a dirty stain against NTCC that they are not forthright with there finances


Also, take note that he would not answer Greg's question about caring for his wife if something happened to him!!!

Greg's question is not nervey or rude- its about caring for your wife and it should have been answered appropriately

the fact is, anything given to a widow or an elderly person is money taken from kekels hand and he is not going to have that!!!

FLEE PEOPLE- Run for your lives from these money hungry monsters- wolves in sheeps clothing!!


Anonymous said...

I saw that. I'm still trying to figure out why on earth he thought it was his right to show letters from ANYONE to a person they weren't intended for, without permission. Does he not realize people sue over this kind of stuff? Not to mention, what was his justification? Seems to me like he's the one sowing discord among the bretheren.

"He began to obsess about what would happen to his wife if he died, would the church support her. No NTCC answer was given to such a foolish and unlearned question."
Just how is this a foolish and unlearned question? If a minister dies, who is going to support his bereaved wife? According to their own bylaws, NTCC is supposed to. According to the Bible, the church is. Having seen many a women widowed and then have to remarry or live in a cardboard box, I think Greg was right to worry.

"My hard choice was, do I show these emails to her Sister and have the Shunks upset, or withhold them and have Debbie Shunk’s sister mad at me?"
How is this a hard choice? You simply keep emails that were meant for you to yourself, unless specifically stated in the emails! I ask again? HOW IS THAT A HARD CHOICE, MIKE?? What business was it of Debbie's sister? It had absolutely nothing to do with her!

"My take? It's all about the money."
Of course that's his take. Human nature decrees that people think that everyone else is just like them. So... a liar thinks everyone else is lying to them, a cheater thinks his spouce is cheating on him, etc etc, and a money grabber thinks everyone else is a money grabber too.


Ange said...

Tracy, ...

Disgusted? I would say you are ON A ROLL! Keep up the good work!!!!


Ange said...

Awesome!! "T" is posting =D Yay!!

Why Gregory Is Being Targeted said...

"Because [ntcc/kekel]the religious system is not based on the truth it cannot allow questions, dissent, or open discussions about issues. The person [Gregory] who dissents becomes the problem rather than the issue he raised."

Damning proof of [kekel's] reprobation.

Anonymous said...

Was GS dissenting or being a dissenter. I didn't get that from MCKs post. GS was asking questions.

Anonymous said...

in cults like ntcc asking questions IS dissent

Tracy said...

He wasn't dissenting to anything. I'm actually glad Kekel posted all of that because now when he pops his cork over anything the Shunks are doing, I'll know that his premise for promoting that idea is totally unfounded.

Once a Whirlwind, always a Whirlwind!!!

Anonymous said...


"Seems to me like he's the one sowing discord among the bretheren." -- jm

!!!! B - I - N - G - O !!!!

"He [Greg Shunk] began to obsess about what would happen to his wife if he died, would the church support her. No [a subliminal slip - kUckle answers the queston without meaning to - NO!] NTCC answer was given to such a foolish and unlearned question." -- mUck

This is the typical verbal vomit one can expect from kUckle... He wants to throw in some twisted scripture to evoke knee-jerk reactionary fear in his listeners.




of kUckle to so TWIST God's Word

in this misapplication.

God says,and let's be clear here,


"But if any provide not for his own,

and specially for those of his own house,



kUckle kin n kompany would rather have a man become


in order to keep that same man and his family in

bondage to the machine of ntcc,

'winning' other souls into the 'program' of this black hole that literally

steals the life and finances out of everyone who enters but refuses to bow to kUckle.

to be continued

Anonymous said...

kneel to kekel kin n kompany [kkk] or else There's the door...

You see, in ntcc, you either bow the knee to kUckle kin n kompany, or you are kept around only as long as you turn over all your finances and church members.

When you wake up and smell what ntcc - kkk has been shoveling then you are on your way out the door, one way or another.

You either wake up completely and leave of your own wise and happy accord; or you wake up partially and start questioning,

Where does all that money go?

Why does everyone else sacrifice? but kUckle kin n kompany live lies of luxury?

What does kUckle doo all day?

Why are God's children treated as


by kkk - ntcc? "n * g g * r s" as rw davis is so fond of saying.

Oh, yes, wake up partially and start asking these questions, you won't have to decide to leave on your own, ntcc will run you off,



to be continued

Anonymous said...

CHRIST vs. kUckle kin and kompany - A BIG DIFFERENCE...

SELFISH kkk 'Leaders' who drive God's flock from the rear with a whip;

unlike Christ Who lived the Crucified life, LEADING FROM THE FRONT BY EXAMPLE IN TRUTH AND HONESTY.

Meanwhile kUckle kin n kompany slink around in guilt-ridden shame hiding their corporate assets as much as possible, but struggling with their proud desire to flaunt the same ill-gotten gains... They are



trying to deflect honest attention from their miscreant ways by throwing more lies and libelous slander out from their baloney blogs and pabulum pulpits.

No wonder Christ was angered to


How devilish and phony they were. Twisting His precious Word to make a



to be continued

Anonymous said...


I was thinking about this the other day and I made mention to Deb about this issue as well. Since when has it been an issue with women working? Tanya has been working all along! Or is working as a teacher at the Bible School not working? I don't know why Michael "felt the need" (I like how you put that) to say that about Deb...he only hung himself with that.

Another thing about all those emails he posted on his site about Greg and Deb, I asked myself this question. How is it that he who has never gone out and built a work from scratch possibly know how a work should be built?

Anonymous said...

girl-y-wind-bag for sure

Anonymous said...

Mike Kekel knew all along that Deb was working but it wasn't an issue until she left the NTCC. Had she never left it would have just been covered up and who knows how many other women have worked with Kekel knowing about it but keeping it silent as long as they stayed in the NTCC?

If it was such a big deal why is he just bringing it up now? Same NTCC ways. With all this information floating around it should be easy to see what Mike Kekel is really all about.

Anonymous said...

Not just Tanya working. I know for a FACT there is a lady in ntcc. Who babysits. Enough to PAY TAXES on her INCOME that she is making watching other people's kids. I can assume she thinks that is OK. since she is IN HER HOME! That she is still fulfilling the ntcc standard of the "keeper of the home". She is working on a SECULAR JOB. Folks start daycares in there home's. If you go to fill out a form that ask what your occupation is. DAYCRE PROVIDER is there JOB! Doesn't matter what the location is.

Wonder what other JOBS women in ntcc are doing. UNDER the RADAE. selling crafts,sewing,day care provider,making flower arrangements,decorating cakes for special occassions,ect........ You are MAKING MONEY. It is a JOB!

Vic Johanson said...

I believe Greg has already indicated that Deb's work was engaged with express permission from the NTCC overlords. In yet another stunning display of hypocrisy, they assert that it is sinful for a woman to work on a job for income. But if by doing so, she can spare them from having to send some money over, all that goes right out the window.

Like Mike says, "it's all about the money." That's obvious, since money and numbers are all that we were required to include on those weekly reports.

Ange said...

I don't have any friends! -- R.W. Davis

*Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt*

A deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, is at their core. Does not see others around them as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way. Source:

Profile Of A Sociopath


The above traits are based on the psychopathy checklists of H. Cleckley and R. Hare. In the 1830's this disorder was called "moral insanity." By 1900 it was changed to "psychopathic personality." More recently it has been termed "antisocial personality disorder."From The Book (On Amazon):
Without Conscience: The disturbing world of the psychopaths among us by Robert D. Hare.

Original Source Link:

Exit And Support Network

Dedicated to helping people leave spiritually abusive groups...

Anonymous said...

The fact that he made a point to say that Deb was working in a "secular job" is enough to alienate him from the public. It shows just how repressed they want their women.


Anonymous said...

Your little "cluster map" is all wrong! Cause IP address are not right and they have been changed and can be changed, and it is NOT against the law.

Has not listed me right, so u still do not know anything about who we are!

DS or GS said...

Dear Anonymous,

The counters are only to add interest to an already interesting Blog. Just as the poll questions are.

Deborah and I are not trying to find out who or why people visit. This is Rev. Kekel's forte (so he can take appropriate action). Anonymity understandably makes some people more comfortable.

For those concerned about hiding their identity, it is the fear of what NTCC will do to them that is the most prevalent reason.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like ANON is Paranoid1 Ntcc doing to him!
If he takes the time to go and check the counters and locations. Which I have never done. Why,what is the point?
Then someone is paranoid. Mike K. has threated the ntcc conregation. that he can go on-line and see what people are up to while there on-line. So folks that think he is Gawd,or Gawds man. Thinks he can walk on water. I am sure they believe him!

Someone Outside the 'church' behind the fence said...

Maybe anon is kekel.
Maybe he's mad he can't get people's actual locations from your cluster map.

We know how kekel loves to threaten people that he has their IP addresses.

kekel's a desperate man trying by any, yes, even illegal, means to contorl people.
He wants to force them to fear him and stay in bondage to him.

Honest men aren't afraid of what you read.

Honest men don't illegally threaten you with IP addresses they obtained to try and intimidate you into blind submission that has no freedom to read a website God drew you to in the first place.

kekel's days as a tyrant are numbered.

Jesus was no tyrant.

Christ has every right to "order" or "command" us, but


Christ is not afraid of what you do.

But kekel is very afraid of you learning the truth about him and davis and olson.

child molesting. adultery. money laundering.

Oh yes, there's much for kekel and davis and olson to fear. They are afraid of you learning these truths about them.

THAT'S why they want your correct IP address. -- They want to intimidate you into not reading the truth about their sinful lives.

You can stay behind the fence if you want to and endorse their sin if you want to.

But you don't have to.

You can be free.

Just leave the 'church' behind the fence.

Anonymous said...

Is that Amber Wright-Noetzelman sitting at the table with Debbie Johnson-Kinson and Becky Johnson-Ankenbauer in the "ntcc getting fat" photo?

I thought Amber left ntcc?

Didn't see Mrs. Mears in any of the 4th of July pics. Did you?

Anonymous said...

I went to, and every version other than the King James Version say descendents or grandchildren instead of nephews.

You're right - any reason to deny help to widows.


Anonymous said...

Elim Bible Institute

Was found in the list of fake diplomas.

I know for a fact that this school and a few others on the list are not diploma mills.

Anonymous said...

You're right - any reason to deny help to widows\
You are absolutely correct.

Why does Mike K. Stay hung up on certain scripture. That he THINKS protects him from taking money out of HIS pocket to help others.
Don't help any elderly,sick,widowed,single parents,in ntcc.
I have since been to a Church since leaving ntcc. We had to move. They had a going away send off for us. And took up a collection for us. Was SUCH a Blessing. We used it to buy our FIRST brand new bed for hubby and myself.
Did it say in the Bible that they had to take up an offerring for us? These same REAL Christians. Would pay our meal when eating out for US. If we knew someone was a sick. a care basket was put together. Checked in on,taken care of! You DON"T NEED scripture to tell you that a widow needs help. Kids have there families to take care of as well. If My Mother was to become a widow right now. We could help her some,but we got two young kids to raise as well. I do know the church group she attends would be right there helping out!!!
you sir,are not what I consider a TRUE,caring,loving Christian.
You try and appear one for Looks. But deep down,underneath it all. Mike K. is a snake that slithers on the ground. A very evil man who is a wolf in sheeps clothing.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Is that Amber Wright-Noetzelman sitting at the table with Debbie Johnson-Kinson and Becky Johnson-Ankenbauer in the "ntcc getting fat" photo?
Amber Wright is long gone and her sister too. Her daddy treated her so good.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the answer on the Amber question.

Anonymous said...

Amber Wright is long gone and her sister too. Her daddy treated her so good. May 13, 2010 10:59 PM

That sounds sad, about her daddy treated her so good.

Any clarification? I had heard Tom Wright was abusive toward ministers and church members. Maybe he's an equal opportunity abuser - he hates everybody?

I didn't see that while in ntcc.

But in ntcc 'abuse' is the norm.

You kind of get numb to it.

Then you get out and visit other churches.

Or you tell your friends some stories from ntcc, and watch the horror on thier faces as you share just some small incidents of abuse.

Then you realize: ntcc abuses people in every class, lecture, service, camp meeting, individual encounter etc.

It takes time to process that. But it's the truth.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Amber Wright is long gone and her sister too. Her daddy treated her so good. May 13, 2010 10:59 PM

That sounds sad, about her daddy treated her so good.

Any clarification? I had heard Tom Wright was abusive toward ministers and church members. Maybe he's an equal opportunity abuser - he hates everybody?

Amber has share many things with me and I'm not at liberty to repeat them. I think if you research factnet and other blogs you will find the truth. I have to believe Amber's side more than her biological father's version.
I was just reminded about an old saying “some people are so heavenly minded they are no earthly good.” How many in the ntcc regret not acting like a father or mother should. If you have children it’s your responsibility to provide for them and you don’t get a free pass because you’re a minister.

Anonymous said...

Factnet. Ok. Good point aboutno free passes just because your a minister.

Anonymous said...

kekel said I (Greg) jacked-up brethren...

Sounds like kekel is describing himself. He is the king of jacking-up brethren...

Anonymous said...

I know that when I spoke last with Kekel on the phone, he told me twice in one conversation, Deborah Shunk "better hope nobody goes digging around in her trash can." He must have been talking about himself coz shortly after [this] he wrote this attempted slam on her character. I found nothing wrong with her in his entry, even though he tried portraying her as some bad wife, saying "Greg got the job." Real classy of him to say that about a Christian lady.

DS or GS said...


I have been publicly soliciting/encouraging/inviting NTCC to post (on any of the Blogs/Sites) "dirt" on us/me. No real takers yet. Except for this weak attempt of Pastor Kekel's "Shunk" article (since deleted).
