Matthew 18:15-17 (King James Version)

Matthew 18:15-17 (the King James separates wheat from chaff)...Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.

Proverbs 6:16-19 (King James Version)

Proverbs 6:16-19 (the King James talks straight-talk)...These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

Proverbs 31:10-28 (King James Version)

Proverbs 31:10-28 (the King James woman works a job)...Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life. She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands. She is like the merchants' ships; she bringeth her food from afar. She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens. She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard. She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms. She perceiveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not out by night. She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff. She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy. She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet. She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple. Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land. She maketh fine linen, and selleth it; and delivereth girdles unto the merchant. Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come. She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness. She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness. Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.


Conference at NTCC's National Campground has been cancelled until further notice (old news for most, expected by some, and a welcomed and too little too late respite for all) originally posted 7/20/2013...

Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Hear Ye: Fall Conference 2013: location of the upcoming Fall Conference is yet unclear (after 40+ years the will of God is still murky to the Cult leaders) (Posted on May 16, 2013)

Due to delays (this has to be the Devil) in mandated engineering of new septic systems at the Campground, the April conference was held in Graham, WA (more convenient for the Cult royalty). These delays are yet unresolved (God can fell the walls of Jericho, and resurrect His Son, but can't orchestrate the decisions of our great US Government), leaving us unable to set the location for the fall conference (since historically, the Cult's God cannot see more than 6 months into the future). This is especially inconvenient for those who purchase their plane tickets early, but our hands are tied on this issue (again, since the Cult's God cannot see more than 6 months into the future). I value your feedback (Senior Pastor Emeritus Davis never valued this) concerning the possibility of again having the conference in Washington. If there is enough support FOR it, we can commit and resolve the matter (otherwise, we will have to continue to wait for the Cult's God to make up His is our custom). Please let me know your thoughts on this issue (through Facebook/Twitter).

Important note:

As you probably know, during the spring conference sessions (sessions?, no more Church? Camp-Meeting?), the General Board (not God) determined that all licensed and ordained ministers be henceforth required (uh oh...yet another step back) to attend a minimum (we went to all Conferences/Sessions, except for one in '97) of one conference per year. This is in keeping with Synergy (a secular business concept) and a true team spirit (please see the Bible for all the teaching you will ever need on team spirit; plus, you either have "team spirit," or you don't...true is redundant). Therefore, if you missed the spring conference, we expect to see you this fall (you have been warned). Synergy 2013 

Posted on May 13, 2013 1
Hello Everyone (not accordance with Senior Pastor Emiritus Davis' teaching),

The Spring 2013 Synergy (a secular business concept) conference was simply amazing! It was such a blessing to see all of you again and partake of the Spirit with you in great worship (what exactly is "great worship,?" or is this redundant?) and fun (fun?). The conference so increased (or you could just consult the Bible) our awareness of (the secular business concept of) synergy that everyone’s still talking about it and taking it to an even higher level (the Bible teaches the highest level of synergy; although, you either have synergy, or you don't). Below you will find a link to the source material used in the teaching (yet another instance of our Cult using outside sources for their inspiration). Simple Truths is a valuable resource (or you could just consult the Bible) for anyone who wants to improve their life (or you could just consult the Bible) by staying motivated and inspired (or you could just consult the Bible)! Check it out (or you could just consult the Bible), subscribe to their emailings (or you could just consult the Bible), and by the way; TODAY ONLY “Pulling Together”, (the book cited in the Synergy Conference teaching) is on sale for only $10.00 (Since you already own a Bible, you could save $10). (You might need to subscribe to the email to get the sale price) (or you could just consult the Bible, and save the little money you may have) It comes with a DVD (or you could just consult the Bible, and save the little money you may have) of the inspirational movie (or you could just consult the Bible, and save the little money you may have) and covers a lot more about “Synergy” (or you could just consult the Bible, and save the little money you may have). This book is a must (or you could just consult the Bible, and save the little money you may have) for those interested in true teamwork (or you could just consult the Bible)!

No Conference for Fall 2013 Posted on May 26, 2013
I know that many (how does he know? and how many is many?) of you are eagerly (?) awaiting the announcement of details pertaining to our fall Conference, so here you are: there will be no conference in the fall of 2013 (God has finally made up His mind).

The Engineer has recommended a 5-year plan (the Soviet Communists have also used 5 year plans) for the installation of the Campground’s new sewage system. When the EPA (not God) has approved this plan, we can resume usage of the Campground; but that approval could come next week, next month or next year (God still isn't sure).  Because of this uncertainty (God still isn't sure) and the hardship (hardships were never a consideration in the past...oh that the Cult still had an  unambiguous leader like Senior Pastor Emeritus Davis at the helm) that last minute announcements work on you all, it was decided by the board (not God) to forego [sic] a Conference this fall.

There will be a Conference in spring 2014.

The date and location will be announced well in advance (God still isn't sure), allowing plenty of time for you to make your travel plans (how long is plenty of time?...we always started saving for the next mandatory bi-annual Conference immediately after last Conference). God bless you (sic)

Rev. Shunk


Don and Ange said...

Lol. Kekel ends with, "God Bless You" - After he breaks the news that the non mandatory conferences are now annually mandatory. After all they got to thump someone for the septic bill.

It looks like they are trying to get in on the tail end of the "Synergy" wave that many of the secular motivational speakers have been heralding for the last decade. Conference is becoming more and more like a business convention.

It was very nice and thoughtful of Kekel to issue a statement that basically says that in 2014 all of the ministers are going to be screwed and have to travel to Graham, (Most likely if there is enough support for it and if the feedback is positive). It's too bad that last minute announcements work such hardship on the ntcc ministerial conference attending masses. It's their fault, conference was cancelled.

Anonymous said...

The whole thing is really sad because the same suckers still fall for this mess. I wonder if Stanley Mayers will be required to attend conference for a change, (assuming he's actually still part of the org). Some how I doubt it. As long as he keeps sending a little tithe money up to Graham, they'll probably continue to turn a blind eye to his "dereliction" and lack of involvement. Word has it, he hasn't been to conference or at least he hadn't been to any conference for many years. The NTCC is a spiritual joke full of suckers and control mongers.

Anonymous said...

Like Kekel The Creep is really going to enforce a mandate requiring folks to attend conference. Yeah right. LOL. It's nothing more than another attempt to keep the suckers good and brainwashed and to drain as much money from them as possible. Team building? Unity? Team work? ROFLOL!!! What team? Kekel's team? I'd rather be part of team on an expedition to the north pole wearing nothing more than boxer shorts and a big old elf hat hanging half way down my back with a little round puffy thing dangling from the end.

For 10$ you can by a brainwashing DVD designed for a bunch of suckers who've been pimped by Mike and Tanya for years. Those suckers will probably buy three of them and say, "thank you reverend for been such a blessing by providing me such a wonderful DVD". Ha, ha. The saddest part is that it used to be a sin to watch video's which is exactly what a DVD is. I wonder how many folks will be watching it on a "big screen TV". Man you have to be on real serious, real deal sucker to remain a part of the NTCC.

Anonymous said...

Rev Shunk - Are you the same person who pastored the church near Ft Polk several years back?

Don and Ange said...

Anon said:

" I'd rather be part of team on an expedition to the north pole wearing nothing more than boxer shorts and a big old elf hat hanging half way down my back with a little round puffy thing dangling from the end."

DnA said:

LOL! Too funny. Where do you come up with stuff like this?

Darren said...

I am curious if you are the same Rev Shunk from Ft Polk years back. Can you confirm this?

If so, I'm the guy you created a personal bible study on tape for that focused on Holy Spirit baptism.

Anyhow, a lot has happened since then. Hope you are well.

VIC MORTON said...

The Complications Of Wanting Wealth
"For they that will become rich fall into temptation and into the snare of the devil and into many unprofitable and hurtful desires, which drown men into destruction and perdition." - 1 Timothy 6:9

When a rather selfish TV character was reminded that money doesn't buy happiness, she quickly replied, "Oh, of course it does. That's just something we tell poor people to keep them from rioting." Not only does money not buy happiness, but the desire to be rich can add many complications to your life.

The Bible makes it clear that the desire to be rich brings many new temptations into your life. What are some of those temptations? Well, it can be the temptation to lie or to steal. It can be the temptation to use and even run over other people to have more wealth. It can be the temptation to defraud other people to have more wealth. This focus to have more and more money can cause one temptation after another and the next thing you know, we can find ourselves doing things we never thought we'd do. We can make life a mess. When wealth becomes our priority, we are not willing to acknowledge that all we think we own is God's and that victory with money—be it a little or a lot—is using His money in a way that pleases Him.

Wealth earned honestly can be a blessing. It can do a lot of good. But the desire to be rich, so we can spend it or hoard it for ourselves, can cause us to give into all sorts of unhealthy temptations.

Anonymous said...

I Yeah hear you Vic, but in the case of RWD and Kekel, they are not in jeopardy of being tempted. They were never right in the first place so there is nothing to be tempted to do that they haven't always done. There is nothing "Godly" about either one of them nor has there ever been. Anyone can learn to quote scripture. That certainly doesn't make you godly or "righteous". Kekel and Davis may very well be the two most unrighteous people that I've ever had the displeasure of being acquainted with.

Don and Ange said...

If you want to attend the NTCS (Cemetary, I mean Seminary)be sure to fill out an application accompanied with your non-refundable $50 application fee. If you are married and would like to attend it's $100 buck$ cash on the barrel head for the both of you, No refunds, suckers.

Anonymous said...

What an outrageous waste of time and effort to create this blog and fill it with all this negativity...

Anonymous said...

Brain dead wrote...

What an outrageous waste of time and effort to create this blog and fill it with all this negativity...

Think with his own brain wrote...

You have negativity mixed up with reality and common sense. The truth is not "negativity". It's the truth. Davis and Kekel are both con artists and that's not negativity, it's the truth. If you elect to ignore that fact, that doesn't make me "negative", that makes you blind.

Anonymous said...

Funny! I'm "Brain Dead," Shunk is nowhere to be seen, and you come in to pick on a stranger.

Nice. Thanks "Think With His Own Brain." Cheers.

Anonymous said...

Brain Dead wrote...

Funny! I'm "Brain Dead," Shunk is nowhere to be seen, and you come in to pick on a stranger.

Think With His Own Brain wrote...

What does Shunk have to do with the need for you to think with your own brain? Shunk doesn't need to be seen for you to fix that problem. You suggested that this blog is filled "negativity" but I say it's filled with a whole lot of truth. The truths that are contained on this blog clearly show that Kekel and Davis are nothing but a couple phonies, hypocrites, con artists. Assuming you're in the NTCC, you would do yourself good to admit that Davis and Kekel are con artists and stop getting "negativity" mixed up with "truth".

You see, people in the NTCC are taught that it is sin and that it is, as you say "negativity" to say anything or in this case write anything derogatory about their leaders. You are taught and also in this case brainwashed into believing that such derogatory statements are "negativity". So what the NTCC leadership has effectively done is make the majority of it's congregates and ministers "brain dead".

They lose the ability to think for themselves and logically reason for themselves. So whenever most NTCC people like yourself hears or reads something derogatory about the NTCC and or it's leadership, they almost always with few exceptions make the same brain dead, brainwashed, rehearsed statement, "That's negativity". NTCC people are so predictable and very few of them possess the ability to have reasonable logical dialogue concerning these topics. They always resort to the same catch phrases such as, "That's negativity" or "you need to get saved" or "you need to get right with God" or "touch not mine anointed" or "you need to pray through".

So in conclusion, I wasn't picking on a stranger. I was simply giving you food for thought. If you genuinely read the content contained on this blog with an open mine and not with a brainwashed or brain dead mind, you'd realize that the NTCC leadership is nothing but a bunch of double standard hypocrites. If you are in the NTCC, (which I would assume you are, and if not, you certainly have the same mentality) you would realize that you've been conned and you'd no longer remain part of the NTCC.

Anonymous said...

Shunk has everything to do with it.....DOES he even come around here anymore? All I see is some blog entries every once in a long while explaining the issues with the church and the leaders in it........and then a WHOLE lot of nitpicking, poking fun, and name calling by you and others.

Whatever floats your boat. I'm not a part of the church any longer either. Never got "in" so far to see the things that you and others may have seen, so perhaps I don't have the "perspective" you do that justifies your bitterness.

Don and Ange said...

The Brainless wonder was asked, "What does Shunk have to do with the need for you to think with your own brain?"

The Brainless wonder answered: "Shunk has everything to do with it".

This by itself tells us that you don't do much thinking (with your own brain) before speaking. That's okay because most ntcc'rs and sympathizers have been allowing others to think for them for quite some time. This is true for all of us while we were under the manipulative influences of money hungry religious zealots in the ntcc. But there does come a time when one must wake up and grow up and look at things the way they are.

Now you can say that we are bitter because we expose hypocrisy and tell the truth about the ntcc double standards if you'd like, but who is really the bitter one here. I'm happy to be my own person now and no longer under the control of some holier than thou money grubber. If you want to label us, that's okay, have at it.

If a person needs to ask his pastor to talk to a female, or if a person needs to ask his pastor for permission to visit another brother or to go home on leave or to miss a church service, that person has very little power over his own life. If I point this out truthfully and this makes you think of me as a bitter nitpicker, than it seems like you are the one with the problem.

We have exposed the ntcc as a cult for years and we have given examples and made comparisons to other cults. The facts are the facts and if they rub you the wrong way than maybe it's time for you to put on your big boy thinking cap and figure this stuff out on your own. We have been presenting evidence and sharing the true testimonies of many folks who have learned to think for themselves for years now, and still folks like you wander around with your heads buried in the sand. Do you even know what you are defending or why?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous wrote...

I don't have the "perspective" you do that justifies your bitterness

Think With His Own Brain wrote...

See, that's exactly what I'm talking about. You used the word "bitterness". You may not have ever got "in" but the NTCCs way of thinking sure got in you. I'm not bitter. I simply state the facts. If the facts prove that Davis, Kekel, Olson, Kinson, Ashmore and Jones are a bunch of chippy cheating swindlers and hucksters, that doesn't make me bitter or negative.

Is a judge and jury negative and "bitter" when they convict a rapist of a crime and sentence him or her to prison? No, of course not, but when anybody highlights some crooked church leaders hypocrisy, all of a sudden, some self righteous non thinking pharisee starts calling them "fault finders", "negative" and "bitter". So what do I say, and rightfully so? I call them "brain dead" because I realize that they don't have the mental capacity to call a spade a spade and recognize a crook for exactly what he or she is. The church, (in my opinion) has made you brain dead because they've brainwashed you into choosing to ignore and turn a blind eye to a bunch of crooks who have done and continue to do a tremendous amount of damage to the lives of many.

Anonymous said...

Wow! You sure showed me up, guy!

I don't know you at all, apart from what you write here.

You don't know me, either.

I start out by stating that there's a lot of negativity on this blog, to which I am called brain dead and blind by you.

(I suppose I should have pointed out the negativity isn't so much in the FACTful blog entries as it is by those who participate in the COMMENTS area who think it necessary to allow conversations to degrade from facts about money schemes, toxic leadership, controlling personalities, cult behavior, etc to simple mudslinging and name calling)

I address your response by pointing out how you call me names, and you proceed to give me a lecture on how bad the NTCC leadership is and how they teach their minions to not think for themselves - and since you believe(d) that I am among them, I am therefore cast among them as fellow braindeadians.
I state that Shunk has everything to do with this blog, because unless I'm mistaken, this IS his blog....right?
And since you continue to treat me, who you don't know, like I'm an enemy from NTCC, I conclude that you are bitter.
You decide to up the anti even further, and change my name to "the brainless wonder" rather than simply "brain dead" to further disparage me in your attempt to drive your point home - and claim that I'M the one labeling people...

You think you know me, which makes me think NTCC got a whole lot more in you (and stayed) than it got in me. I haven't even attended one of their churches (or any church for that matter, since walking away from them) in over 14 years. I don't really know or understand your personal drama or what NTCC's leadership has created within their organization apart from what I pick up here or there from my own curiosity.

And when it comes across to me that you are being bitter or over the top negative, I'm labeled by you as a "self righteous non thinking pharisee."

Nice one!

Anonymous said...

Yes, that is exactly right. You originally came on here claiming that this blog is a "waste of time" because it's filled with such "negativity". Well I don't agree with you because blogs such as this have opened the eyes of many who've been "blinded" by the NTCCs money scheme and their hypocritical double standard rules of holiness that the NTCCs leadership never intended to follow.

And for the record, I did call you Brain Dead but I was not the one who called you Brainless Wonder. That was definitely someone else and they published their name. When you came here and made a blanket statement about this blog labeling it as "negativity", I think that was a brain dead move which resulting in me referring to you as such. You label that as "name calling" and I label your statements about quote "negativity and bitterness" as being very brain dead in nature and frankly we are both right. I did call you a name and your statements were without substance and very brainless in nature i.e. given little or no thought.

You drew first blood when you came on here and made a blanket statement about the content of this blog and it's author and of course I strongly suspect that you knew someone would respond in the manner that I did. And yes you most certainly did come across as self righteous so that was not a quote "nice one", it was simply a legitimate observation made as a result of someone, (namely yourself) throwing around such terms as bitterness and negativity.

Stating facts doesn't make us bitter or negative and neither does the use of humor, sarcasm or name calling. It makes me a name caller. I can live with being a name caller when someone makes "brainless" blanket statements which were given little or no thought prior to being made.

Have a good one.

Anonymous said...


Have fun.

Don and Ange said...

Yes, I called you a brainless wonder because you are stupidly subscribing to the same things that the ntcc has taught it's cult members for years. You jumped into this website and started to run your mouth about how bitter we are and how we are negative. Was Jesus bitter when he drove the money changers out of the temple?

And who are you to tell the moderator of this blog how to run it? You have no credibility and you bring nothing constructive to the table. Are you trying to defend the ntcc, or discredit the X-ers? Tell us exactly what your purpose is and you will be respected more on this blog or any blog than if you come on here like a drive-by sniper criticizing folks when you don't have a clue about what we are doing or what we have been through.

Anonymous said...

It appears I was having conversations with more than one person...I figured you, "Done and Ange," had simply stopped logging in when responding to me. Oops.

Regardless, I'm not "subscribing" to anything, be it NTCC or your....whatever you are now...

Jesus was pretty confrontational. When he had something to say, he said it direct. He probably didn't run around after throwing the money changers out and talk about them behind their backs, gather his friends around him so that he and they could all share insults.

I didn't tell anyone how to run anything and don't care about earning your respect.

Your reactions are over the top and your responses knee-jerks.

By all means do continue stroking your ego by patronizing anyone who reads your words and questions them, and wallowing in X-NTCCer misery. Looks like you're really getting somewhere.


BTW, where IS Rev Shunk? I know he's a good and decent man. There's no question there.

The Big Cheese said...

Anonymous wrote...

He probably didn't run around after throwing the money changers out and talk about them behind their backs

Chili Cheese Dog wrote...

Neither do we. I don't talk about anyone behind their back. I have in the past and would continue to tell them directly to their face what I think about the crooked NTCC leadership. I'm simply not going to travel about 2500 miles to do it. If I ran into Kekel or Davis, (which is highly improbable) I'd have no problem calling them crooks and explaining why. I did happen to cross paths with the local NTCC pastor and I let him and his wife know exactly how I felt about the crooked NTCC.

And by the way, you didn't question anything. You simply made a blanket statement which had no substance nor legitimacy whatsoever. I wouldn't know where Mr. Shunk is because I don't keep tabs on him. You referred to him as "Rev". Why? First you talked about him and then you patronized him by throwing a title in front of his name?

Here are the facts. Then NTCC leadership routinely taught that you were a failure of a parent if your child didn't attend the NTCS. FACT because I heard it. The NTCC leadership taught that it was a waste of a Christians time to play organized sports. FACT again. The NTCC leadership taught that garments such as tight football pants were quote, "lascivious" and not to be worn by quote "Christians". FACT because I heard that also. They taught that a secular education specifically a "college" education outside the NTCS was not a good use of the time that God allocated you here on this earth. FACT. They also taught that the Catholics taught damning doctrines and that the Catholic church was the quote "Great Whore". FACT.

So Mr. Anonymous, am I being negative when I state that RWD and Mike/Tanya Kekel are a bunch of double standard conniving hypocrites when they promoted Grant Kekel playing football throughout high school, wearing quote, "tight lascivious football pants", not attending the NTCS and leaving Washington to attend a Secular "Catholic" College? Is that negative and bitterness Mr. Anonymous? And I would definitely tell that to any of their faces without reservation. Especially when they messed up the lives of so many other young people by guilt tripping them into not doing everything that the Kekel's son did the blessings of his parents and grand parents. If that wasn't the case, Mike Kekel would no longer be in charge of jack in the NTCC. Now Anonymous, dispute that logic.

So there you go Anonymous. Like I said; this blog was basically dormant until you came on here spewing that "negativity" NTCCesque mumbo jumbo and targeting Mr. Shunk just to patronize him a few days later by referring to him as "Rev".


Don and Ange said...

Okay, anon, it seems like you are instigating here. I will say this: Any time a person like you gets on the blog and tries to defend the ntcc by insulting us, it always, 100% of the time ends up accomplishing what we are working towards, and that is warning others that the ntcc is an abusive and destructive cult.

We all blog for the purpose of warning people that the ntcc and its leaders are dangerous people to follow and that the leaders are getting filthy rich off of the sweat and labor of those that are sacrificing deeply. Many have served arduously for decades and have nothing to show for it. Many of these rich leaders of the ntcc cult live a double standard and are guilty of breaking the many rules that they enforce on others. You can drop by for a visit to this and other blogs like it with your criticism and fault finding attitude but it will not change the nature of the ntcc and it will not stop us from warning others. I know you think we should sit around and watch folks throw away their lives. We choose to warn them. What are you doing for them?

If you don't think what we are doing is effective than try doing a google search of the ntcc and you will find out what a lot of people that were smart enough to do their homework find out. Many people read the blogs and recognize what any sensible person would. The ntcc is nothing more than a cult with a bunch of rules that are set up to control folks in such a way as to use them up phisically, spiritually and financially. Now, this entire comment has been written without directly insulting you and if you dare to comment on any of this objectively, we would invite you to do so. For instance, do you think the ntcc is a healthy church or a cult. Are you here to attack us or defend the church or what are you trying to accomplish? Do you think Jesus would condone the church leaders of any organization getting filthy rich off or people that are living in poverty? Do you think it's right for the victims of child molestation and rape to be run out of the church and discredited while the predators are protected and allowed to stay? Man up and answer these question if you dare. Or you can be like the ntcc hirelings and make excuses for them.

Anonymous said...

Fair enough, Don. I get your points.

The only reason I'm continuing to respond is the seeming ill will thrown my way...that's all.

Me stating that this blog seems filled with negativity - and I get greeted with hostility and childish name calling along with paragraphs of rationalizing this as acceptable...


As far as Shunk goes, I did not realize I was "patronizing" him by calling him Reverend.

When I knew him, he was "Reverend." Is he not anymore? Did he leave the church and forsake a leadership role elsewhere? Did he leave the faith?

It seems a stretch that I should be charged with disrespecting a man by giving him what I knew as his respectful title. Should I just call him Greg now?

Don and Ange said...

As far as this blog being filled with negativity, the ntcc is a negative place. We were part of this family owned business organization for quite a few years. We gave tens of thousands of dollars worth of our hard earned money which has contributed the opulent lifestyles or Davis and Kekel.

After you came on this blog, Darren, and insulted Gregory Shunk by stating what an outrageous waste of time it was for him to create and fill this blog with negativity, it did seem quite patronizing for you to refer to him as Reverend and to go on about how good and decent he was.

Saying all that, I don't blame you for your knee jerk reaction. We were all programmed to think that the ntcc was the last hope for mankind and it's leaders were to be greatly revered for their super apostle status.

Anonymous said...

Ah, ok. Yeah, I did say that.

I never really took to them being apostles and was never close enough to a church to be involved deeply enough to be pressured into giving too much money...though what I did have to give at the time, I gave willingly enough and attended as often as I could. When I could not, the preacher recorded tapes and mailed them to me as a favor. That way I could have church even if I wasn't there to have it in the building.

Never met Davis or Kekel or attended a conference, and only went to a few "fellowships/revivals" with churches close enough to get together...

Anonymous said...

You may have never met Kekel but your hard earned money met him help put his son through a $20,000 a year private high school academy and a secular Catholic College. Yeah, he may have Grants, (no pun intended) and scholarships but there are still additional expenses needed to support any kid attending college.

Additionally, the recorded tapes are a method to keep you good and brainwashed with NTCC propaganda because they preach a whole lot more than just "Jesus saves". I've heard them preach about house cats being evil, it being a sin for a woman to have a job contrary to what's taught in Proverbs 31, playing sports being a sin which you paid for Kekel's son to participate in, driving anything but a four door sedan or a van being selfish, (unless your name is Mike Kekel of course, silly me), the Catholics are lost and don't deal with them on a personal level unless you are soul winning or now in the case of Kekel's son attending a Catholic college. You get the picture.

They are nothing more than a bunch of hypocrites who clearly perpetuate double standards. They sent you the tapes to keep you occupied because they were worried about being involved with much of anything other than their church. Every move they make has an agenda and it all involves getting you fall in line with their mandates most of which have nothing to do with Christianity or the Bible. They are brainwashing you using the same old cult tactics used totally or in part by just about every ofter cult in the world. They're goal is to make you totally obedient and subservient (not to Christ) but to them, point blank. If you are obedient to them, you will give them your money and Kekel and Davis can live lives of excess and luxury at your and my expense. Rolex watches, collectible guns like lever action Henry's that are according to today's standards almost totally impractical, Cadillac and BMWs, that are proven by virtually every Consumer Report publication for years to be very unreliable and the list goes on with no end in sight. It's all about the Kekels and the proof is so clear that it would take a blind, brainwashed dummy not to see it, which unfortunately the NTCC is too full of.

Anonymous said...

You may have never met Kekel but your hard earned money met him help put his son through a $20,000 a year private high school academy and a secular Catholic College. Yeah, he may have Grants, (no pun intended) and scholarships but there are still additional expenses needed to support any kid attending college.

Additionally, the recorded tapes are a method to keep you good and brainwashed with NTCC propaganda because they preach a whole lot more than just "Jesus saves". I've heard them preach about house cats being evil, it being a sin for a woman to have a job contrary to what's taught in Proverbs 31, playing sports being a sin which you paid for Kekel's son to participate in, driving anything but a four door sedan or a van being selfish, (unless your name is Mike Kekel of course, silly me), the Catholics are lost and don't deal with them on a personal level unless you are soul winning or now in the case of Kekel's son attending a Catholic college. You get the picture.

They are nothing more than a bunch of hypocrites who clearly perpetuate double standards. They sent you the tapes to keep you occupied because they were worried about you being involved with much of anything other than their church. Every move they make has an agenda and it all involves getting you to fall in line with their mandates most of which have nothing to do with Christianity or the Bible. They are brainwashing you using the same old cult tactics used totally or in part by just about every ofter cult in the world. Their goal is to make you totally obedient and subservient (not to Christ) but to them, point blank. If you are obedient to them, you will give them your money and Kekel and Davis can live lives of excess and luxury at your and my expense. Rolex watches, collectible guns like lever action Henry's that are according to today's standards almost totally impractical, Cadillac and BMWs, that are proven by virtually every Consumer Report publication for years to be very unreliable and the list goes on with no end in sight. It's all about the Kekels and the proof is so clear that it would take a blind, brainwashed dummy not to see it, which unfortunately the NTCC is too full of.

Anonymous said...

Does this mean that the largest complaint has to do with the structure of the hierarchy or how those in charge use it?

Do you think that the church organization would be a good one minus the constant call for money and the perceived hypocrisy from the top down?

Anonymous said...

Is a murder or violent rapist good because he helps the old lady cross the street? That should answer your question.

Anonymous said...

The NTCC leadership is the organization. The church members are just their puppets. Davis, Kekel, Olson and Kinson are no more than a bunch of scum bags who imposes heavy rules and burdens on people only to change the rules when it's convenient for them or it suits their lifestyle. The other board members and overseers like Johnson and Jones are just as bad because they enable the scum bags while idly standing by and watching the whole fiasco take place. It's a horrible church or organization or cult or whatever you want to call it.

Anonymous said...


To be clear, is the authoritarian manner in which this organization is run the main problem, or is the group of individuals at the helm the problem?

Don and Ange said...

That's like asking, "Which came first, the chicken or the egg"? They coexist and are dependant upon one another. A brain washed sucker must have an abusive jerk to tell collect his/her tithe and tell them how to live, just as the cult leader needs a bunch of brain washed followers to praise them and slave for them.

Anonymous said...

Oh, well I thought the organization started with the ones you all called mom and pop....were they just as culpable? If not, why not?

Do you believe that all participants in the organization are really suckers or slavers?

Don and Ange said...

You tell me. Have you ever been to the ntcc's cult compound in Graham, WA? This is thier primary brain washing center. Let's pretend that you are a bible school student. As a bible school student in the ntcc you are expected to get a job immediately that will never interfere with your school and church activities with zero tolerance for missing services or being late and that will allow you time off four two conferences pef year. You are expected to pay tithes, give in offerings, pay dorm fees and class fees. In addition as a grown adult you will be expected to to ask permission to talk to a member of the opposite sex, go over to another member's house for dinner, have someone in your car, have other kids come to your kids birthday party, lend or borrow money from anyone, no wearing shorts, can't let your hair grow any longer than a military style haircut, if you have a wife she, can't work unless she is tasked to clean the Kekel or Davis mansions, she will be expected to never cut her hair or be required to wear a wig if her hair doesn't grow long enough, wear a wig, no make up no pants, she will never have a voice or an opinion that matters and while they are struggling to make ends meet and eating bologna and Ramen dinners and getting jacked up for being poor leaders and not being able to put things together, or for wearing blue socks with a brown tie or stealing paper clips from work, they are a stones throw away from the multi millionaires mansions as they driveby in thier Cadillacs, BMW's and Mercedes that your money helped purchase as you are being trained to do the same thing to others.

If it looks like a duck and sounds like a duck and quacks like a duck, it most likely is a duck. If you find youself in this situation, you just might be in a cult. So what you think? You ready to sign up?

Anonymous said...

Yes, all are suckers, slaves or hypocrites. Some are all three. Many are abusive hypocrites.

A sucker (in this case) is someone who blindly follows without questioning and contributes to the crook's crooked agenda. A slave is someone who(in this case)has dedicated their life to the service of someone else having been manipulated to do so.

And believe me, the NTCC and it's crooked leaders ain't Jesus. When you are serving Kekel, and a slave to Kekel, you most certainly aren't a slave to Jesus. If you are in the NTCC, you are not a slave to Jesus because Kekel and Davis are crooks and that's who you are serving. Jesus said, beware of false prophets which Davis, Kekel, Kinson and Olson certainly fall in the category of.

I don't care what Pop Gaylord did. As long as he had been allied with Davis, he's been allied with a crook because Davis was a conniving crook from the very start. If you drop someone off at the bank and the guy goes in and robs the bank and then comes out and hops in your car and you drive off, you are going to be hard pressed trying to convince the police that you had no part or knowledge of what was going on.

Who knows, but I find it hard to believe that Pop didn't know about Davis' escapades about the time that Davis started the NTCC. The adultery and the abuse and all. If Pop didn't know about that, I'd be surprised if at some point he didn't hear about them and if he didn't do anything tangible about it, he was a sucker and a slave just like the rest. I know many ministers who'd worked for Davis for decades who later had admitted that they had been took.

Slave, Sucker, Double Standard Hypocrite or any combination of the three. That includes a brand new person because they are in the early stages of "taking the bait" and become a full fledged sucker/slave.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the full answers. I was left wondering, because I'd always heard all these fond things about the "mom and pop" of all this and wondered if you all thought they were innocent.

The way you talk about NTCC is the way I view Christianity as a whole....though without the anger - but I guess I never got "in" far enough in this church or any other to have the bad experiences you all have.

Don and Ange said...

I undetstand where you are coming from but do not feel the same way about Chistianity as you do. I do think that a huge majority of the churches in America are using Christianity as a vehicle to make money. But that being said, Jesus never did any of these things that the ntcc or other cults do to their followers. What hypocrites do, often reflects negatively on Chistianity as a whole but that doesn't change what happened 2013 years ago. There were hypocrites back in Jesus time that tried to impose the old testament law on the followers of Christ. If you look at the list of specific manmade rules that we have been pointing out to you, they are nowhere to be found in the bible and were never taught by Christ. Most cults focus on the do's and the don'ts and use rules as a litmus test to place a person in heaven or hell. There are things that we know are wrong like murdering and stealing and committing adultery and there are things that we are taught to be wrong like focusing on outward appearences and demanding obedience to the point that you can not think for yourself. Those are some of my thoughts for what they are worth.

Anonymous said...

Anon wrote...

though without the anger

Anon2 wrote...

Would you be angry if your very own mother got caught up in a con game scheme where she lost her ENTIRE life savings to a very effective con artist? I would think so. Maybe it just would bother you? Maybe you'd just say, "Oh well, too bad for mom"? Tough luck for her? Most people would be very angry about such an occurrence. Well some people care about more than just their own family. Some people are justifiably angered knowing that thousands of people have lost everything and many many years of their lives to the NTCC con artists and it's quite disturbing to many who have legitimate compassion for their fellow man.

I can't stand conniving Christian organizations and there are plenty of them and the NTCC is a particularly scummy low down bread of such groups.

Don and Ange said...

We did lose a lot of money and a pretty big chunk of our lives. It's crazy how people are quick to label us as the ones that have a problem and don't even bother to look at the true source of misery in the ntcc.

Churches and Cults get away with a lot of crime because people are afraid to point their finger at the church or it's leadership. I'll tell you what I think. The vast majority of Churches and religions use Christianity as a cover up for more sinister things that they are involved in. The ntcc is no different. They are a real estate holding company masquerading as a Christian organization. We can show pictures of their mansions, expensive cars and Recreational vehicles. We can share testimonies from thousands of other members that verify the things that we say are true. We can show true accounts of corruption from the very top of the ntcc and prove that the ntcc leadership is corrupt but people still look at the ntcc as a decent God fearing church with good people and loving pastors.

People will try to pick us apart and talk about how angry and bitter we are. We are the ones with a problem, while they don't bother to investigate any of the things we are talking about. It's the same way with the Amish, JW's, Mormons, Catholics and many other groups.

People look the other way and very little is done about child molestation and other criminal activities. Former members of these groups are demonized by the leadership and many other supporters of these cultish groups. Nothing is said of their wealth, Nobody seems to bother with wondering what the fate of the women and children may be. "Oh that's just their way". Excuses are made, lives are ruined, people are trampled over while the ones that do the damage seem to get off Scott Free.

It's amazing to me how a lot of the victims of abuse are silenced while the criminals laugh and get away with murder. Money rules in every theater and religion is no different. People are going to be naive and gullible. We were stupid enough to give the best years of our lives, our blood, sweat and tears and our finances to a bunch of common thieves who were only concerned about building a family empire. While we thought we were involved in something divine that was sanctioned by God himself, Kekel and Davis were banking our money and buying every luxury imaginable for themselves. While they encouraged husbands and wives to split up and drove wedges between families, they were living contrary to all of the slave rules that we followed gladly.

Are we bitter? Are we angry and spiteful for telling you the truth? What about the leadership of the so called Church? Do they get a free pass? Can they commit adultery and molest children and get away with it? They place people in hell for not giving 10% of their money, or for missing one out of 1000 church services, but we are just finding fault with them if we dare question their integrity. Who are we to have a voice against such great and wonderful, respected and highly regarded people?

All I can say is wake up and open your eyes.

Don and Ange said...

If you are in the ntcc, you need to ask the hard questions like, why am I giving till it hurts and where is all my money going. Follow the money trail and see where all of it goes. Most of it is not in the ministry or going towards lost souls or even going towards sanctuaries of worship. You have been played for a bunch of fools by some very greedy and experienced con artists. You are so caught up in what you think is the "move of God" while those around you are being used just like you.

Would Jesus tell you that a rich man shall hardly enter the kingdom of God and then demand you to give him most of your money while he lived a life of luxury at your expense, all the while jacking you up because you love money more than God? That's exactly what the ntcc leadership does and you blindly follow them, with unwavering loyalty without questioning them.

All of you tithe payers should demand transparency and tell the ntcc leaders that you are not going to give them a dime until they show you where all the money is going. Ask Kekel to open his house and allow you to walk through it and his garage to see how many millions of your dollars he has spent on himself. Tell him to show you in the books where all of your money has gone.

You wouldn't dare do that because you are too busy saying, "Yes sir" and doing all the things he expects of you. How many of you ntcc'rs have more than a thousand dollars in the bank? Why should you get them rich while you and your families have nothing?

But don't listen to me or any of the thousands of others that have testified of these things because we are just bitter and angry. Go ahead and continue to be another mans sucker as you shine their shoes and clean their mansions and wash their expensive cars and Recreational vehicles, thinking you are being a blessing to the "Man of Gawd". You are only padding the bank accounts of a bunch of crooks and thieves. Are you sure this is what God wants? Is there a model for this anywhere in the New Testament?

Don and Ange said...

I like the words in pink that were added to this blog post. It's usually what they don't say, that really exposes them.

When you pass by a restaurant that has a sign that says: "Under new management" although you don't have all the details, it implies that there was something wrong with the old management. Thanks for filling in the blanks for us because Kekel says quite a few condescending remarks that imply that everyone of his readers are not quite as smart as he feels that he is.

You wonder how many of Kekel's readers feel stupid after reading his words. Do they buy into it or do they use it to affirm their status in the grand scheme of things in the ntcc? I try to relate but it seems like we are so far removed that it's hard to put yourself in the shoes of a brainwashed cult member when you know better.

Not sure if it's just me, but many of the words of Davis and Kekel seem so obviously condescending and unlike Christ, that when you read their words it's hard to believe that anyone falls for their scam.

Anonymous said...

Get back on this train Deb!!! There is lots of movement and activity within NTCC to report. We need more people blogging, more people telling the truth. All your work is coming to fruition!!! You can be there to end it all.


Anonymous said...

Ashmore is gone.

Anonymous said...

This is a dead and forgotten blog, if you're hear go to truestoriesoflifeinthentcc web site.

Chief said...

This blog won't be forgotten. Certainly not by me. I don't blame Deb and Greg one bit for deciding to move on. All the NTCC ever does is wear you down anyway. Even the memory of it.


Anonymous said...

You and I are the only one's who look at this then.

You're site seems to have lots of good intel as to what's happening.

I just don't see the point of this blog anymore.

2012 is the last real update.

Chief said...

There doesn't need to be an update. If someone's really interested in learning what the NTCC is all about, there is plenty of information here.

People just want a quick fix anyway. They want their senses tickled. If we don't post stuff continually, folks lose interest. That's one of the reasons I stop updating my blog for so long. Anyone could post a message and request that I stick it on the front cover and I'd be glad to if had good content. People don't want to do that though. For the most part, they simply want to be entertained by the writing of others. Folks want blog but very few want to put any work into them. Just my thoughts.

Greg and Deb put plenty of work into this blog but naturally they got tired of it and I don't blame them one bit. Again, if people really want to know what the NTCC is really all about, there is plenty to read here.


DS or GS said...

Thanks Don & Ange, and Chief for speaking up for us! I know these comments are old. We have been away for a long time. Due to our work schedules. We work 12 hr shifts. It's hard to sit down and write when you come home tired. But I hope to get back to writing.

Chief, you were right in saying this blog doesn't need to be updated. A lot of information is posted on this blog so people can make a decision. Greg's done a lot of work and now it's up to the reader to make a decision. Knowledge can be a door to freedom. What you do with it depends on you.

Anonymous said...

My bad,

I meant there was no active postings.

Information yes.

Anonymous said...

Love the dashboard, I hope everyone else gets one.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what's worse: the fact that Creflo Dollar believes God spoke to him and told him to buy this jet, or the fact that people are so gullible and delusional and are actually supporting this guy. Of course, as Dollar puts it, it's simply part of what he calls "prosperity theology," in other words, giving of your own money to the church because by doing so your level of personal wealth is blessed and will grow significantly.

It's not surprising, really, that people buy into this nonsense. After studying mental toughness training for the last 31 years, there's a definite pattern of people who are operating from a weak state of mind to be more vulnerable to the suspension of critical thinking and doing anything that makes them feel better. Being addicted to the emotion of hope is a killer, so when Pastor Dollar tells them to give $300.00 and reminds them of the promise of everlasting life, a mansion in the sky and being reunited with loved ones, it sure sounds pretty good.

The bottom line: It's time for people to wake up and stop being stupid! Stop being manipulated and giving your money to the power hungry religious leader who owns two Rolls Royce cars and multiple multi-million-dollar homes. Creflo Dollar is a fake. If he was so genuinely concerned about doing good and Godly deeds, he would be raising $65 million to truly make a difference in the lives of so many. Instead, he'll be enjoying a better than first-class experience as he jets around the world in style laughing at the farce he created.