Matthew 18:15-17 (King James Version)

Matthew 18:15-17 (the King James separates wheat from chaff)...Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.

Proverbs 6:16-19 (King James Version)

Proverbs 6:16-19 (the King James talks straight-talk)...These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

Proverbs 31:10-28 (King James Version)

Proverbs 31:10-28 (the King James woman works a job)...Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life. She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands. She is like the merchants' ships; she bringeth her food from afar. She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens. She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard. She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms. She perceiveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not out by night. She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff. She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy. She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet. She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple. Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land. She maketh fine linen, and selleth it; and delivereth girdles unto the merchant. Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come. She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness. She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness. Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.


NTCC’s online (a.k.a. sinnernet) presence update (originally posted 8/19/2010)…

Exposing You to Truth, in Holy Spirit Power
Since 2004.

Non-NTCC Sites:

• Tracy's Blog is gone again as of June 2010…
• NTCC's Wikipedia article is finally gone, as of March 2010 (back up 22 June 2010)…
ntccXposed is finally gone, as of July 2010.

NTCC Sites:

NTCC's Official Website...

• The "About us" link currently has no content, and at other times hasn't had much more than this (since 2006)…
• The "Events" link keeps us apprised of only 2 things…Seminary/College/Institute Graduation date, 'Seminars', and Conference/'Youth Camp' dates (useful only to a microscopic part of a single percent of the world-wide Body of Christ)…
• The "Doctrine" link still has no more content than NTCC's doctrinal statement. In spite of Rev. Kekel's 2006 personal promise to expound on the individual topics listed on the website (this is why initially the doctrinal statement topics were links, albeit leading nowhere) UPDATE: There is now a link that leads to additional 'Godhead' content…
• The "Seminary" link still has no content since 2006...
• The "Find a church" link does help us all find an NTCC church. It lists about 103 churches worldwide, down from over 150 about 10 years ago, but is routinely outdated was disabled 30 December 2010…
• The "Missions" link still has little content since 2006 (this is understandable since NTCC only has 4 'Missionary' churches after 40 plus years; growth which has necessitated a salaried 'World Missions Director' for much of its' turbulent history)…
• NTCC lists 12 Churches as Missionary Churches when there are only 4...
• NTCC has now added a bylaws link which has little content. Pastor Kekel has also shared they are re-writing their bylaws (version 2.0 according to Pastor Kekel).

Rev. Kekel's solo effort(s)...

• Pastor Kekel’s only-since-2009 Blog (Personal commentary of M C Kekel - New Testament Christian Churches of America, Inc. Author Michael C Kekel NTCC) – Intuitive and insightful writing, which tackles any critics head-on while simultaneously encouraging the faithful. In this Blog Rev. Kekel answers the hard questions, taking on all comers, and humbly accepts the many accolades. Only consistently active right before each conference. Articles and comments frequently deleted when any Pastor Kekel justification doesn't gain the needed traction (this often happens due to Rev. Kekel providing such a thin gruel of explanation) to string along the faithful.
• Rev. MC Kekel's 2010 online exertion (MC Kekel Sermons, Lessons and other stuff) has little content. There is a category labeled 'doctrine'. Thus far he has demonstrated he is only equipped to teach on 'The Godhead', and it's not even a full study. It is almost as if he doesn't already know how to explain NTCC's 15 doctrines of choice (and they do pick and choose). No more foot-washing though. Personally I could post a lot of content supporting each of NTCC's 15 doctrines/policies of choice in one day. But, he has shared he is busy, lots of hats and all. He has my email address; if he asks me I could send studies to him (no promises though)…or Rev. Kekel could go on "Old FACTNet", and copy what many others have posted in support of NTCC's doctrines of choice.
• There is another Rev. MC Kekel 2010 online exertion; it is yet another 'members only' venue, but this time it's a blog. Here's the link: (you will get a PERMISSION DENIED notice).

Relevant Miscellaneous Information:

• Many that have been affected (positively and negatively) by this Cult are on Facebook, MySpace, SparkPeople, blogs, etc…
• NTCC's headquarters in Graham has had the internet in its office since well before 2004 (many years previous to, during this time, and for many years after, the internet was vigorously preached against)…
• Since 1999, NTCC has been covered by the print media…
• A large east-coast newspaper has shown interest in doing a national story on NTCC...
• A newspaper local to NTCC Graham has recently done a 5 part series on NTCC Graham…
• You can find a customer review page for many local NTCC churches (including Graham), so leave a comment…
• Two newspapers local to NTCC’s national campground have been asked to do a story on NTCC…
• Two Seattle newspapers have been asked to do a story on NTCC…
• Matt Drudge has been asked to do a story on NTCC, and has been provided with relevant information...
• Some of NTCC's Ministers have their own individual online business...
• NTCC has authorized one prominent NTCC church, Pastored by one of their most trusted Pastors, to use an NTCC TV advertisement video produced by a very secular director, and proudly sponsoring a very secular TV show (great commercial though, very professional, very edifying) to reach the lost ("...the friends that some people keep on those lists? Whew!" - Rev. MC Kekel)...
• Here is the link (just paste into your browser) to the latest episode of the secular TV show ("The Spotlight" with Brandi Garcia) NTCC is now the proud sponsor of: The NTCC commercial (along with NTCC's "Hennesy Black" counterpart spot) is at about minute 14 for each episode. They also announce NTCC is the "one light".
• There is another video showing NTCC embracing what was once forbidden. Here is the link:
• This blog gets visits from every NTCC location in the world.
• NTCC is and off!

In His Service,



nicole b. said...

do you think that the information that has been taken down is due to people simply moving on, or from legal pressure? Just curious.

Anonymous said...

Simply moving on and loosing interest.

Anonymous said...

Wikipedia is back up.

DS or GS said...

Thanks. I updated the link.


DS or GS said...

nicole b.,

I think Tracy is gone because she moved on (for now) again, and doesn't want to be bothered with it. Although, I have no idea why she didn't leave it up, or even hide it from view until she wants it again. The first time she deleted her blogs it caused a lot of angst in the anti-Cult community. People put so much of themselves into what they wrote, appreciating the opportunity to finally have a voice against wrongdoers (Tracy was the first blogger of note). Then to have it all just disappear is like having your voice taken away all over again. Like being punched in the chest. But so what, thankfully she is her own woman now (post exit), and can live her life for God, herself, and her family. She is still my friend. We all owe her a lot. Her deleting things wasn’t so bad for me as I save all I write, and archive all the blogs (with comments).

ntccXposed is gone because it was hacked.

I think both will be back eventually.

Personally, I don't care either way; the current blogs and media attention are fine. If nothing else was ever added, there is enough information online for someone to make an informed choice. I want people informed, not pressured and deceived. Pressure and deception is NTCC's shtick.


nicole b. said...

Thanks for the response Greg. That's interesting. I had printed all the ntccxposed articles and saved the pics on my computer. But it would be nice for other people to see too.
I just consider myself lucky that I exited that environment right at the same time so much information became available and so many people were comparing experiences.

Ange said...

thankfully she is her own woman now (post exit), and can live her life for God, herself, and her family. She is still my friend. We all owe her a lot.



Anonymous said...

Letter written by Pam Morse

He made sexual advances towards me when I was a teenager. When I finally did speak up and began to tell people such as olson, he said he could not except it and it would be best for me to find another church to go to. He also said I had to have 3 witnesses. kekel did not do anything. When I told my mother, one of her negative comments that she had made several years ago was, "Out of all the pretty girls, why would he pick you Pam? To this day we have no relationship because of this. She says that I'm lying and that God will judge me for this.

Davis knew what he was doing. He came to my apartment when Johnny was at work. (Johnny was employed by davis and so he knew where he was at all times.) He told me I was pretty and he wanted to make love to me. He had his hands down my pants, on my breast ect and fondling my body to put it bluntly. I allowed him to do this. I really did not believe he was sinning at the time. I remember asking God "Why do you allow him to do this to me? Then he gets up and preaches fire and brimstone and yet the very next day he would do it all over again. I began to tell myself that it's ok. It's pastor. This is how sick I was in my thinking. Thinking it was ok and he could not sin.

He would also give me money. Sometimes, by the end of the week I had more money than my husband did. He would ask me where it came from and I told him rev. davis gave it to me. I realize now that he was basically paying me to shut my mouth. He did not love me like I thought he did, like a daughter. He was using me to get in my pants and that's all it was.

Anonymous said...

Greg if you're going to advertise a church you don't advertise to saints now do you? So then, you reach to the people that need it most. At least, that's what Jesus said Mar 2:17 When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

But I guess in the world you live in reaching to a lost audience is far from a Godly persuit.

Anonymous said...

I saw the commercial for TV sucked! It said absolutely nothing! Reminded me of something the JW's put out!

Anonymous said...

Tit 1:15 Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.

Anonymous said...

Are you serious? A television commercial? You mean to tell me after all the years of preaching people into hell about television, there is now a television commercial advertising the church??? I am dying to hear the justification of this one!!!!

Jeff said...

Thats right a television commercial. Old Briggs is making it happen down in Pasadena. The address on the commercial matches up exactly with Briggs Church address.

What in the world? That is absolutely disturbing. The NTCC is complete garbage. They preached against TV for all those years and now they are advertising using the very medium that if you watched it, the TV would supposedly have guaranteed you a place in hell point blank. Greg this is very disgusting. I've reached a point where I despise and have nothing but disdain for the NTCC.

Briggs is one real serious hypocrite. He doesn't even fit the description of someone who can be considered a Christian, at least according to the Bible.

The NTCC is very corrupt. I'm beginning to find it very hard to understand how the old timers can still stick around. They must not have any conscience left at all.


Jeff said...

Anonymous said...

But I guess in the world you live in reaching to a lost audience is far from a Godly pursuit.

Jeff said...

It's ungodly when your outreach is via the television which the NTCC pastors and leadership have preached against since the NTCCs inception. That's called hypocrisy and the last time I read the Bible, being a hypocrite was very ungodly.

Whatever. To the blind nothing can be seen. Not even a hypocrite.


DS or GS said...

Anonymous of August 08, 2010 5:33 PM,

I agree. But what we deal with most with NTCC is hypocrisy, double standard, etc.

Media was preached against for most of NTCC's history in all its forms, by the one who never missed God, and does all by the Holy Ghost.

Yes, church money may be going to promote the church and draw people to its doors, but it is also money that is supporting a TV station and a secular TV program.

The only expenditure authorized for church advertising was business cards, and fliers. NTCC Graham had a billboard on Meridian and 200th at one time, but this was a test. I guess it didn’t work, since the billboard was discontinued 3 months later. We weren't even allowed to get a decent size add in the phone book; let alone a radio spot or TV commercial.

Now, if someone in authority (or even a local Pastor) would publicly admit that Pastor Davis has missed God and didn’t always do all by the Holy Ghost, we could all turn a corner and have a different type of discussion.

Otherwise all Pastor Davis ever taught for the last forty plus years has to be adhered to (we always did), regardless of any double speak that all the rules were only ever policy anyway.

I know the Pastor of the NTCC church that is sponsoring this commercial has come on these blogs and bragged about how he always does his own thing and is his own man, but this Pastor’s attitude is not the attitude Pastor Davis and company have been promoting since the 1960’s.


Anonymous said...

Greg you have me laughing... now.. riddle me this... you bring up what I've "said" in the past... fair.. shall I bring up all that you've said in the past in defense of what you now betray? When are past arguments no longer valid when they side with you? Aren't you a hypocrite changing in mid stream?

Collins your hatred has consumed you, you who claims divine insight into a man's heart and soul. You spend all of your time trying to tear down.. I spend all of my time trying to build up. Which work is of God?

Look at your sites... look at mine.. which show Christ?

Tell me you who purport such righteous claims what of Brian and Mick's wife?

What of Tracy?

What of NTCCExposed...

What of Perez...

What of their Faith?

Greg, do tell of your acts of Christian charity? Tell me of your great overwhelming burden and love for souls... tell me of your kind treatment of members... your reputation proceeds you though.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and Greg, which am I a renegade nike like "Pastor Davis and company" or "one of NTCC most trusted pastors"... do you forget what you write.

Seems so, I could go to Facnet and find all of your comments and post them have you forgotten them? They that live in glass houses must not be casting stones.

Jeff said...

Oh here we go, the great hypocrite has reared up his head again to attack everybody. The difference is, Greg isn't supposedly preaching to a "lost and dying world" while simultaneously being a hypocrite like yourself. Greg is warning folks about the dangers surrounding a crooked organization which like the rest of us exers, he eventually was able to see right through. The NTCC can fool you for a while and for many of us a good while, but eventually if you have a conscience you'll see right through it and leave.

You know good and well that the use of the TV was absolutely forbidden but now you are going to start advertising with it? That is hypocrisy and no one can deny it.

I used to be thoroughly (pro NTCC) just as Greg was, but guys like myself and Greg couldn't keep ignoring the OBVIOUS double standards, favoritism, preferential treatment, nepotism, crazy rules, absolute abuse and hypocrisy that clearly exists within the New Testament AntiChristian Church.

You however seem to live with that knowledge quite well, knowing good and well what has been the long standing rules and standards mandated by the NTCC leadership. You are simply a hypocrite and you don't seem to have a problem with it. That in itself isn't the problem. The problem is the NTCC leadership idly sits by and allows pastors like yourself to act this way. Why? Because they are the same and it was obviously never about these supposed holiness standards all along. It was about numbers which ultimately results in more money and the NTCC has gotten tired of trying to do it the hard way so all this compromise has crept in with the unwavering approval of Mike Kekel, RWD and Olson, with Kinson gladly on board for the ride.

Hey if we let a folks essentially do what they want we can have more money and numbers. So the result is, all actions which would have guaranteed us a place in hell for 40 years are now being allowed and you've jumped right on board for the easy ride. Bottom line.


Anonymous said...

ba ha ha ha...

Anonymous said...

So what's the next "soul winning move". Now that you are using the television to advertise, are you headed to the near by Bar or Night Club to reach the people who drink alcohol who are so called "sinners"?

They that are whole need not a physician, right?

Your reasoning is flawed Mr. Briggs. You've compromised by using the very tool that the NTCC has stood against for many years.

If the people come visit your church as a direct result of your the television commercial, what are you going to preach to them if and when they get "saved"? Do you plan to tell them that they can't watch the TV anymore after it was determined to be the very tool used to bring them to your church?

You have a definite problem with understanding effective leadership Mr. Briggs. You can no longer preach against the use of the television for any reason. You many not realize this and your people may not either but you are a very ineffective Pastor. You don't seem to understand the consequences of this move to television advertisement because it is in direct conflict with what the NTCC has taught for many years.

Anonymous said...

Its plain and simple....NTCC has compromised! They have even taken holiness out of their doctrinal statement. I work with ministers that are licensed with NTCC at my work, and I have heard them listen to worldly music, they confess to watching TV, they watch movies, I even went into a Hollywood video store a few years back on Saturday night, and saw 3 ministers renting movies, still in their church suits. They have compromised. NTCC has fallen. After RWD dies the woman will start wearing make up, cutting their hair, wearing pants, etc.... just like the Baptists, Assemblies of God, and all of the other churches that they have blasted over the years. Hey folks listen.... Ireally do not care what you do, but dont act like your so much better than everyone else, when you do the same things. Just be a sinner if that is what you want. Because what is preached today as sin is going to be alright in a year or two as far as NTCC is concerned! Face it NTCC you have compromised. Briggs you have compromised. David Hickman

Anonymous said...

You are in danger of hell fire according to your own doctrine...

Jeff said...

Anonymous wrote...

You many not realize this and your people may not either but you are a very ineffective Pastor.

Jeff wrote...

That's relative. If the objective is simply money and numbers, he maybe very effective. Up and coming mainstream church, he may be very effective. Truly winning genuine souls for Christ according to 40 years of NTCC guidelines, totally ineffective. Legitimate truthfulness and sincerity concerning the recollection and implementation of NTCCs previous standards, not even close.


DS or GS said...

Well put Jeff.

David H...Someone said on old FACTNet, "Without the outward holiness standard there is no reason for NTCC to exist." As this is what gives NTCC most of its exclusivity.

But, NTCC has compromised on this also. With all the hair dye, nail polish, make-up, ornamental jewelry, tight dresses, cleavage, pants on women, men wearing shorts, etc. All sanctioned by the leadership (by this I mean the local Pastors also) either by direct commandment, policy, example, or inference.

Then you add all the TV viewing, movies, secular music venues, closing the church on holidays (4th of July, etc), now adds on TV (which also supports the station and show it appears on), DVD's, use of the internet, etc. that has been reported, and this makes NTCC just like all the churches they have excoriated over the decades.

Churches like what NTCC now is are as common as the gum on the bottom of your shoe on a hot summer day...sans the abuse, hypocrisy, double standard, poverty, frequent moves, bad counsel, public broadcasting of things shared in confidence, spin, lies, slander and libel, nepotism, sanctioned neglect of family and friends, arranged marriages, divorces, child abuse, negative press, cult tactics, childlessness/vasectomies, etc.

You can get what NTCC has to offer in their Seminary from a Dake Bible, and from the internet (or contact someone who still has their notes and make copies). This also goes for the content of the “Trumpet”.

You can get a diplima on the internet. You can get a minister’s license on the internet.

But, you could get licensed by an organization that has an accredited Seminary, consistent godly leadership, many more church locations to choose from (in the US and on foreign soil), consistent growth, more diversity of ministries, group retirement plan, group health care, retirement homes, etc. The “Assemblies of God” are one, and there are others.

God doesn’t have to have NTCC any more, he has many other choices. Therefore so does the world wide Body of Christ. So choose; many others have, and will continue to do so.

Make the choice that is pleasing to God, the Holy Bible, your own conscience, and your family and friends…and best for same.

In His Service,


Jeff said...

Greg wrote...

God doesn't have to have NTCC any more

Jeff wrote...

I do understand your point Greg but having said that I'm not sure if God ever had to have the NTCC. I'm convinced that RWD started his HQ in Graham in order to get as far from St. Louis as possible. It has been reported by Darwin Durek that RWD was accused of committing several instances of highly inappropriate sexual conduct while in St. Louis.

At one point Mr. Durek wrote that it was suggested by some of RWDs peers that he leave for a while to let the dust settle, so to speak. I believe that RWD decided that the dust would never settle completely unless he left for good, hence the move to Graham. That is my sincere belief.

That happened a long time ago and along with Kekel's flamboyant background compromise would have already been quite obvious to many. Even though the Bible clearly illustrates God using a variety of people to include Harlots, Crooked Prophets and such, it doesn't appear that God continued to use such individuals for very long.

When your ultimate wish is to accumulate of wealth, (which RWD openly stated in a conference to be his goal saying that he prayed to God to become a millionaire) it's hard for me to believe that God ever needed the NTCC for very long.

I also used to be a part of the Church of Christ and in many respects they were just as bad as the NTCC. They Church of Christ that I was a part of wanted to know every move you made. In some respects (if it were possible) they were more controlling than the NTCC.


Anonymous said...

These are interesting points being made. TV in & of itself is a very useful conveyor of news & some wholesome entertainment.

I see nothing wrong with the TV advertisement but the point is IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ACCEPTABLE 27 YEARS AGO ALSO!!!!!!! 27 YEARS AGO I TOTALLY BELIEVE THIS WOULD HAVE BEEN SHOT DOWN LIKE AN INCOMING SCUD MISSLE!!!!!!! It seems like people in leadership positions change their discernment and interpretation of good and evil over time. Have things changed? YES.

DS or GS said...

“The Spotlight” with Brandi Garcia is a local color TV show, airing on channel 2 Huston, right after the Jimmy Fallon Show. This TV show, which NTCC helps pay for, and is a proud sponsors of (NTCC's words), features short dresses, sleeveless tops, cut hair, make-up, jewelry, worldly music, worldly personalities, worldly events, and worldly activities. Good stuff.

Here’s the link for her first show:

Watch this first half hour episode (complete with commercials); it will open your eyes a little more.

"...the friends that some people keep on those lists? Whew!" - Rev. MC Kekel...


Anonymous said...

Advice from Dr. Mitchell's life: Someone in his congregation pointed out several faults in him and his preaching. Instead of retaliating, or trying to defend himself, he looked at the woman and said, "If what you say is true, would you mind praying for me?"

Source Unknown.

Anonymous said...

The warning of Leviticus 19:17, "...thou shalt surely rebuke thy neighbor, and not allow sin upon him," is preceded by warnings against spreading slander and nursing inner hatred You can easily determine, therefore, when you should criticize and when you shouldn't by asking yourself these three questions: (1) Am I motivated by an earnest desire for the welfare of the person I think needs correcting? (2) Am I going to face him honestly, but gently? (3) Do I find the task thoroughly disagreeable, or am I secretly getting some pleasure out of it?

Jeff said...

That's what NTCC pastors should have been asking themselves before they ruthlessly blasted good people in their congregation for decades. I didn't see it writen where Jesus went easy on the Pharisees because they were hypocritical while imposing heavy burdens on others? Why should any of us be any different? Are you suggesting that Jesus used the wrong approach? He called them vipers and such. What the NTCC is doing and what they've done to people is dead wrong and inhumane.

Anonymous said...

Have you seen Jim Ashmores blog? Seriously!!!! Who has time to read that? I ackowledge that the man is knowledgable, but that's like sitting down and trying to read the last decade of the wall street journal. The only ones who are going to read that are ntcc followers, who will all say "what a blessing sir!!!" and they probably lost there train of thought 60 seconds into it. Cool picture though..... I think I'll start a blog! David H.

Al Falfa said...


Talk about givin' the dog a bone :-p

Don and Ange said...

I'm new to the ntcc eX-er community and never got to see tracy's blog, but reading some of the horror stories and comparing them with mine, I believe that eX-ers are some of the most hurt people and also some of the most Loved by God.
Ange and I just posted our own blog to share our experiences and also to inform others that are still in or have escaped from ntcc that they are not alone. I beleive each of us has suffered greatly under the destructive teachings of ntcc and that God who has never stopped loving us is reaching out to us again.

Don Tumioli

Anonymous said...

To the Renegade Preacher in Texas (R-PIT)

(1) Am I motivated by an earnest desire for the welfare of the person I think needs correcting? (
Yes. R-PIT, your PAST due for a correcting.

2) Am I going to face him honestly, but gently?
If the shoe fits, wear it, honestly!

(3) Do I find the task thoroughly disagreeable, or am I secretly getting some pleasure out of it?

R-PIT, We can agree to disagree, why would anyone have pleasure in telling someone that they are
an immature, ineffective, and insecure leader who means well but may be no more saved than the deodorant under my arm pit, which is actually quite effective and WORKS.

To the R-PIT: you can huff and puff and blow your smoke and whistles, your knowledge does not impress me, for there is no new thing under the sun. Nice suit, though on your pic. I will commend you for having a fine choice of clothes.

Just be forwarned that after NTCC uses you, like they used all of us, they will HURL you out and leave you on the street with your family of a widowed wife and two young boys to fend for themselves.

R-PIT, Do you honestly think NTCC is going to take care of you forever? Who is going to take care of your family when you pass away? NOT NTCC!!!

R-PIT, We are ALL roadblocks and warning signs blocking your way to hell, take heed to God's warnings, turn away while you still have time!! I feel compelled to tell you this.

Do not take it personal, R-PIT.
God will not turn a blind eye on your theatrics forever. There is coming a time where you will give an account for ALL things done in the darkness as well as the light.

The funny thing is, when the light is turned on in a room, the roaches scatter. You have run out of wiggle room, R-PIT. You, and your defunt so-called organization.

Bro Johnson

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sister Shunk,

I sure do miss your good old fashioned singings!

I liked that one song you used to sing "I want an old fashioned, heaven sent, Holy Ghost revival touching me, touching you!!"

God Bless you and Greg

Bro Johnson

nicole b. said...

Writing is very cathartic. I know a few people who became truckers after leaving ntcc :) I think if everyone really wants to turn a corner, they would stop thinking of themselves as sinners and carrying needless guilt.

Don and Ange said...

Nicole B., I agree; my writing is cathartic. Also I believe it is necessary to reach out to those who are living in deception. A month ago I thought I was doomed throughout all eternity. If it wasn't for somebody who cared pointing me back to Christ, I'd still be lost. There are so many people in ntcc that feel the same hopelessness that I felt. It is important for those who have experienced this deception to warn others so that they too can find their way back to Christ. If we do not speak out against the self-righteousness of those who would tear us down, many good people will continue to believe there is no hope outside of ntcc. We believe you have to fight for those you love :-)

Don & Ange

Anonymous said...

Truckers are COOL! You could have a new ministry, Truckers for Jesus or something like that. Just a thought!!

Don and Ange said...

Thanks for the comment that truckers are COOL! I obviously agree with that =D.

I have learned alot about trucking since joining Don on the road. There is more to this work than meets the eye.

As far as reaching truckers for the Lord, I have already seen many good ministries. For now our focus will be on helping those hurt by the ntcc.

Praise the Lord and keep on trucking...

Don and Ange

Don and Ange said...

THE WAY STATION might make a good name for a truckers' radio ministry ;-)

Anonymous said...

As a Trucker, you could always accidently run over ever NTCC church sign you see

"Forgive me, Rev, I thought the gas was the clutch"

Bro Johnson

DS or GS said...

Bro. Johnson,

That's funny. But, you know how NTCC loves their persecution. Persecuting others (just ask them and they'll tell ya, or start attending an NTCC church and experience it for yourself), and being persecuted (it gives them something to shout about at conference).

For those of us who have been to conference, the service erupts the most vigorously when they talk about the enemies of NTCC, and any praise of Pastor Davis, with "we are winning!" a close second.


Don and Ange said...

Wow Bro. Johnson,

That's quite a ministry there. Running over church signs would probably go a long ways toward getting people saved in ntcc, it would at least change the subject of "All Christians pay tithe and give in offeings" to "Let's pass the hat around for a new church sign". Where's Larch and Lurch when you need them? Ntcc would really feel persecuted if they seen two 14 inch deep trenches from 18 wheel tire tracks leading up to a pile of splinters in the front yard. This would probably constitute an ntcc revival.

TC-Lurch The Church Lizard said...

DS or GS said,

"For those of us who have been to conference, the service erupts the most vigorously when they talk about the enemies of NTCC, and any praise of Pastor Davis,"

LURCH said . . . . . . . . PREACH!!

CT Larch The Charch Luzard said...

DS or GS said,

"we are winning!"

LARCH said . . . . . . . AMEN!!

Anonymous said...

I watched that T.V. Spot commercial and what I find rather funny is they are tieing it with The Spotlight by Brandi Garcia. I am confused. I thought they were against women dressing the way that Brandi Dressed? Not to mention the music that she uses. DJ Snoop? Which is rap? And I agree with an above poster. I am interested in hearing how they Justify that.