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Old news from Rev. Kekel's Blog (words of mck/God in red):
Mar 3, 2009
A Rumor that's not...
There’s one making the rounds that my son is playing organized sports.
Please allow me to set the record straight; that is not a rumor it is a fact and is definitely no secret. It is widely known that Grant plays football. Why does he? Because after much consideration and prayer I decided that the positives outweighed the negatives, and so allowed him to play. I have never thought that team sports for kids were wrong, and so I made the decision without consulting anyone but God. I thought that it would be good for him, and it has been. There are other sports from which he has been forbidden, and his school has been very understanding and respectful of our religious beliefs. He is not allowed to dress immodestly, nor is he allowed to miss regular church services. My wife and I have never allowed his sports activities to interfere with or infringe upon our responsibilities to the congregation or to God.
Please allow me to set the record straight; that is not a rumor it is a fact and is definitely no secret. It is widely known that Grant plays football. Why does he? Because after much consideration and prayer I decided that the positives outweighed the negatives, and so allowed him to play. I have never thought that team sports for kids were wrong, and so I made the decision without consulting anyone but God. I thought that it would be good for him, and it has been. There are other sports from which he has been forbidden, and his school has been very understanding and respectful of our religious beliefs. He is not allowed to dress immodestly, nor is he allowed to miss regular church services. My wife and I have never allowed his sports activities to interfere with or infringe upon our responsibilities to the congregation or to God.
NTCC’s stance concerning sports has always been a policy, based not upon the bible, but upon Pastor’s oversight of the flock. (A policy is practice established to discourage unwanted actions or activities, it is not a bible doctrine or commandment.) A Pastor is a Shepherd and must guide the flock away from all apparent dangers. If he sees you going down a potentially dangerous path, it is his Biblical right and obligation to warn you in an effort to protect you; but the control of your life is still yours! God made us free moral agents. “He that refuseth instruction despiseth his own soul: but he that heareth reproof getteth understanding.” Proverbs 15:32
When the focus among brethren in Servicemen’s Homes, shifted from God to playing sports, Pastor stopped it; within the ministry and the bible school. Sports, in and of themselves, are not wrong, if the participant is modestly dressed, and maintains the proper conduct of a Christian. If a person becomes angry at a referee or something, the sin of anger isn’t really linked to the sport, but comes from his heart. Can a Pastor tear down his influence with the members by over-fraternization and over familiarity? Yes. Is it all too easy to have our vision diverted from Christ and onto other things, yes! These were factors in Pastor’s mind when some of these decisions were enacted.
Pastor Davis and I have different views on some things; motorcycles, paint colors, what constitutes good food and especially coffee! But I have made my opinions known to him, and he respects my views. I have never been one to just say ‘yes’ to everything, which in his view, is a virtue not a vice. We also agree that this in no way represents the ‘touching of God’s anointed’ or renegade behavior. As a result of these personality differences my “call” has been and is different from his on some of these minor things; but there is no ‘division among us’. Our objectives and motivation are one and the same: glorifying God and helping people to make it to heaven!
M.C. Kekel
Here is the link: http://michaelckekel.blogspot.com/search/label/Sports
Although filled with doublespeak, it is still an answer, and therefore progress on Rev. Kekel's part.
This is one of a small handful of times Rev. Kekel (NTCC) has deigned to answer a question that is of understandable/normal concern to many people, which has negatively impacted very many families, until this particular 'policy' was officially changed (via Rev. Kekel's Blog) during March of 2009. So, it is important (any explanation is almost unprecedented) documentation to keep around, and keep available to the general public.
Plus, NTCC has also become known by their serial attempts to sanitize their image, and retaliate against others, using the internet. This includes deletion.
With NTCC, less (no) information about them online (or anywhere else) is better for them. Only because there is much about them that should remain hidden.
Above Rev. Kekel quotes...“He that refuseth instruction despiseth his own soul: but he that heareth reproof getteth understanding.” Proverbs 15:32.
It continues to amaze me the number of times NTCC quotes scripture (in their defense, by way of a rare explanation, or to chastise/condemn others) which directly condemns some aspect of their policy or conduct, or which they don't themselves follow.
Don't neglect to submit comments on Rev. Kekel's Blog. You might even get lucky, and see it posted (he heavily moderates/censors his blog...if it's not in agreement with him, or he cannot spin it, he will not publish it).
If you ain't family (davis or kekel), you ain't %$#*
It's all about who you are in ntcc.
Why Russ Mear's son, Ed, couldn't play sports in school!!! That could lead him away from the org, uh, I mean God.
But Grant Kekel can and does enjoy playing sports in his private academy ($$$).
What kind of a difference would it have made in Ed's life if he had been the star pitcher on the baseball team instead of an outcast never allowed to have friends over to his house or play sports or swim in the ponds at the camp or . . .
What about Ed's parents Russ and Jan?
Sitting at the camp with no tv, no vcr, no vacation, no money, for years no internet, no friends, nobody to relieve them day after day, week after week, year after year.
I like the sound of crickets... sometimes. But then what?
I'm surprised davis didn't pull their library card privileges too. Guess ole rdub got sloppy and forgot that. He certainly kept 'em poor enough that making it to town often enough to buy a paper was not really a practical option for staying informed.
And if you can't afford the gas money to go to town, forget about doctors and dentists. How many years did Jan have to go in pain because she couldn't go to a dentitst. She had a cavity and the nerve was exposed. Man that hurts. Does davis care? Nope. You think kekel will care? Nope.
kekel will make fun of you for having yellow teeth. Lost count of the number of times he "preached" about that. It's so funny too. What with him signing that excuse of a paycheck!
And davis did make fun of Russ, saying, "That fella's got as much fire as a firefly."
Meanwhile Russ could've been making $30 plus an hour doing welding... Would have had a nice retirement / pension too.
And I love, love, love the story of how davis ordered (and you know how that went *%#*) yup, ordered Jan to NEVER again use a vacuum with a roller (upright vac) because ONE TIME a thread from the cheap indoor / outdoor carpet in their house got caught in her vac and caused a 'run' in the carpet.
Oh me oh my! Jan, you've committed the UNPARDONABLE SIN! ntcc might have to spend some money 20 years from now when they decide to replace that CHEAP carpet...
But remember, says rdub,
Really? Never heard it called THAT before.
OH, but I know, rdub rescued you, right? One time. FORTY YEARS AGO?
ahem... he didn't do you any favor!
And THAT DEBT's been PAID many times over (if it even was a debt to begin with).
rdub makes me want to puke. Big ugly chunks on his cheap indoor / outdoor carpet.
the Carpet is more important than the woman.
Your Friend!
March 30, 2010 2:48 AM
Though this is old news, I still want to comment.
What about others in the past consulted "no one but God" and were blasted or told the were on their way too hell.
I guess this is another case of "Executive Privileges".
Yes, this is old news (about 1 year).
But, this is one of a small handful of times Rev. Kekel (NTCC) has deigned to answer a question that is of concern to many people, that has negatively impacted very many families, until the 'policy' was officially changed (via Rev. Kekel's Blog) in March 2009.
Plus, NTCC has also become known by their serial attemps to sanitize their image, and retaliate against others, using the internet. This includes deletion.
With NTCC, less (no) information about them online is better for them. Only because there is much about them that should remain hidden.
On a personal note: Things are going swimmingly for Deb and I (of course).
This NTCC "policy" has been double-speak for many years. I almost hear a familiar voice saying"Silly rabbit tricks are for kids." All you silly rabbits...it was just policy."
Rev. Kekel was given the privilage of listening to Gods voice. While the masses were told other-wise. I wonder if he was blasted from the pulpit for his rebellion?
I remember one incident specifically that breaks my heart to this day. A parent decided to let their daughter play organized sports. The Pastor took the parents and the girl outside. He told her loudly that sports lead to lesbianism. She would miss church services. He said something else about her, but it would give too much detail away. God wants young women to be blah...blah...blah..
She was silent, all I could see was a lonely tear go down her teenage face. Of course the parents just stood there.
Pop and Mom Gaylord are both Spin dancing in their Graves right now. Pop would have left the organization.........
Not much doubt in my mind about that one!
This idea of over-familiarization is one they got wrong also-
Paul used his first name! Not, Rev P. Tarsus. I mean c'mon, preach it brother! The WORD says to KNOW them that labor among you and are over you. NTCC: you cannot "know" your leader for fear you'll dis-respect him. Jesus said who wanted to be greatest- become servant of all! You will never see Kekel wash your stinkin' feet! Now RW washing your car! Or Kekel cutting your grass, imagine! In my church i do yardwork for an elderly couple! for free! I consider it an honor and my duty! Do unto others... as you would have them do unto YOU! , etc., ever heard that, Mr Kekel!?
Since when did the title 'pastor' give a person free reign to terrorize your kids?
I guess a ntcc minister's license is a license to do whatever you want with impunity.
"Executive Privileges" let's make a list...
When I was in ntcc (1981-2006)-- it was absolutely forbidden for your kids to play sports, play in the band, or do any other normal activity that kids do. You would be plowed from the pulpit as rebellious, etc-- and you all know it. We were instructed to take them "soul winning", or some other "spiritual" thing. All the while Kekel was doing his own thing and breaking the very rules he preached us into hell for. The fact that Kekel says it's OK and was just a POLICY is so incredibly bogus it's amazing. Mike Kekel has amazed me over and over again by flat out LYING about so many things-- I really think he has just sold his soul out to money and power. Like the Bible says, "They profess they know me, but their heart is far from me".
Kids in ntcc are not allowed to be kids. To this day, I despise myself for allowing ntcc to keep my kids from enjoying a normal childhood. Since leaving ntcc our kids have flourished, and done more quality things in the past few years, than they ever did their whole time in ntcc. If you are still in ntcc-- I beg you to leave for the sake of your kids and the sake of your marriage.
The thing that makes ntcc so sinister, is that spiritual & emotional abuse leave no visible scars. You can show up to the police with a black eye as evidence of abuse, but you can't show up with a black & blue soul. I will rejoice greatly the day that ntcc closes it's doors and it's leaders are taken away in handcuffs.
AXP (another ex-preacher)
I remember davis ranting at a conference about teens. He said all they need is to go to church and go soul winning (door to door/invitational efforts). He conveyed they don't need a youth program.
Okay, so kekel disagrees. Fine.
If we are all just bitter and disgruntled and want to go live in sin -- why are there so many of us?!
I wonder what percentage of my bs class has left? I know it's high.
Why would so many be so bitter and disgruntled if that is what we are and why we left? Let's address that issue.
Why would so many not be in a spiritual and mental place to not receive instruction if that is the platform kekel wants to speak from?
Would he say it is the wide path vs. the narrow path?
Is God's influence so weak?
Is the leadership of ntcc's influence so weak?
So many questions......
Why do they accept tithe from a man named Michael who went to jail for raping his daughter?
Just how many men in that church are pedophiles?
As long as they pay tithe, they must be right with God right?
The point here is that the rest of us wanted the same autonomy kekle had to make decisions concerning our families without interference or condemnation from the assorted and various "pastors" we had while in the org. I suppose that is a detail and privilege he failed to pass on the rest of us.
To anyone who reads this and is still in ntcc:
So, are you encouraged to disagree on some things with your pastors?
Are you encouraged to think and pray for yourself, and make your own decisions , like kekle?
Are you told that since kekle is NOT a yes man, maybe you shouldn't be either?
Are you encouraged to have your own personality and likes and dislikes?
Are you able and/or encouruaged to discern opinions from scripture?
Are the pastors/preachers/ministers told to stop preaching their opinions as gospel and stick to the Gospel?
Just wondering......
This is just a bunch of garbage. Kekel is completely full of it. Yes this is nothing new but good nevertheless. Anyone with an ounce of brains and an memory left in their head knows good and well that practically every so called NTCC "pastor" that ever stood behind an NTCC pulpit preached against organized sports participation. The said it was a waste of "GODS" time. They taught that football pants were "immodest" and too tight. Anyone who reads this thread and says otherwise is either blind, ignorant, or just a flat out liar who lies to themself.
This was no more than an attempt by Kekel to explain away his actions because apparently he was put on the hot seat. I could accept the NTCC crazy rules if the founders son-in-law would have also been made to adhere to them but it’s obvious that he wasn’t and because of this it’s also obvious that with RWD it was never about God or holiness but rather about money. Think of all the families that were forsaken because of the NTCC’s rules but RWD certainly didn’t forsake his daughter and son-in-law who obviously made up their own rules and this very thread is evidence.
It's complete garbage for Kekel to suggest otherwise. This kind of stuff is what really burns me up about the NTCC and it's why I can't stand the organization.
Jeff Collins
I doubt I could add very much at all to what's been said here about organized sports in NTCC. When Tanya related to me when Grant was much younger that she was bringing him to a soccer camp down in Orting (I believe)...I was SHOCKED. To say the least. Of course there are tons of other incidents and occurences where the Moms and Dads of NTCC were preached to and "taught to" in Davis' classes about the evils of organized sports...and anything outside of church (for that matter). But, I sincerely doubt that a public apology will be forthcoming.
In their stated effort to change humanity...they've done just that...they've broken up more marriages and sent more teenagers into a state of wild confusion and totally turned masses of people against God...they've changed it alright...they've just done absolutely nothing for the good. And I say that advisedly.
Let's not forget Mike and Tanya Kekel's little trip to the Bluegrass Festival, shall we? I guess that was a result of one of his seemingly many one-on-one consulations with God...by-passing the First Man Up Before the Throne of God on This Earth (as he so taught in his classes in the early 90's).
And to the dear Friend of Mears poster:
Your post made me sad as it makes me think of situations that I would rather not face from my own past, but also those who shared that past life with me.
I know from experience that it's good to flush toxins from our bodies, as well as our brains, but it sure does hurt when it comes to the surface.
Here's to better times ahead for all of us.
Joy cometh in the morning.
I would hope that somebody has saved the entire blog that mk has, just like you saved that tidbit of info about sports, greg, it amazes me that in the servicemen's homes nothing of this nature was allowed.
I was in one home where we had a picnic in a park and the brothers got this ball and started throwing in it and suddenly they started playing touch football, sure enough, somehow rwd preached to all the servicemen's home directors that they should not let that happen again, that they should be doing something more spiritual!
Been there
Right. I already archive Rev. Kekel's Blog, as he sporadically adds new stuff.
We were absolutely forbidden from participating in "organized" sports while I stayed in the serviceman's home. The reason that I so vividly remember is because when I first started living in a serviceman's home I was playing on the company softball team. The NTCC pastor through the means of strong persuasion very rapidly put an end to my softball participation.
Statements such as, "will playing sports win souls for Christ"?. "Is playing softball beneficial to the program of God"?
One of the brothers decided to continue to lift weights and the pastor blasted him and ridiculed him quite abusively from behind the pulpit. I remember vividly. Grant Kekel had to work out to play football without doubt. It is simply a double standard and I can't stand the NTCC. Other NTCC pastors that I had would also mock the notion of organization sports participation. Such preaching was the "standard" and certainly not the exception.
As I recall, the young boy, looks pretty buff because he wanted to be the star quarter back of his team, that is what his grandparents said. I don't think that mck asked the Lord or rw for that matter to see if that is something that will bring glory to God. mck doesn't want his child to become "religious"
silly member, rules are for YOU; not for us kekels...
Jeff quoted some ntcc rhetoric:
"Statements such as, "will playing sports win souls for Christ"?. "Is playing softball beneficial to the program of God"?"
Jeff, Jeff, Jeff, don't you know that rhetoric was used to create the 'unspoken' RULE that SPORTS WERE NOT ALLOWED IN ntcc FOR YOU!!! Unless, of course, your last name is kekel, because
"It's different when it's your own kid." -- tanya kekel
Duh. Special rules for the privileged class. Now the rest of you non-sport-playing members, get busy and
clean kekel's mansion
wash kekel's luxury cars
scrub davis's motor home
do kekel's grocery shopping
and make sure you "work in that card" lest that "sinner" in Safeway "split hell wide open" because you were too busy wishing you were at your son's baseball game that he will never enjoy or play because you were in a cult called ntcc where the leader and his family do whatever they want no matter what it costs you and your family.
See. It really is "different when it's your own kid."
But was she really? After all, tanya reynolds davis kekel was adopted by r.w. davis; the man who told all you silly members to get vasectomies lest you "hinder the work of the Lord" by having children.
More hypocrisy to ponder.
"silly member, rules are for YOU;"
I think I nearly bust my pants open laughing on that one!
Silly Rabbit!
You guys have it all wrong, remember: "YOU make the rules."
bn dere
"Silly Rabbit!" Anon!
You got it, Anon!
We used to have BBQ's,volleyball game's,picnic's on base. boys played pick up basketball. We had enough,all played a game of softball.
Got to WA. heard soon after that. No more BBQ's. Because folks would come to church,Just for a BBQ. This was from rw davis,NOT denis. Sports was also taken away by rw davis NOT denis. to much fun,not concentrating on winning souls!
Funny thing. since leaving ntcc. Have reached,touched more souls. then I EVER did when in ntcc. Then it was mandatory,forced on us. Now it is at God's direction. and not forced down people's throats.
Here mister take a card as your on the way out of a grocery store. Would see folks chase people down. if they showed even the slightest interest in talking to them. Me and my husband gave a card ONE time in a store. And felt so stupid doing it. Never did it again. I think 3-4 times to a cashier. They tossed it in the garbage I am sure as we walked away.
the blitzing,the door knocking. it does NOT work. it just bugs people,makes folks avoid ntcc folks. Do people like solistors of any kind coming to there door. NO,your put on the spot,pressure is put on. NO ONE wants that at there door.
I know one ntcc church that was very sucessful. They did NO doorknocking. Just putting flyers out. There numbers soared. Until it got out that they were doing it there OWN way and not Mike K. way. they also had fun events for the kids on kids day. It was all a no-no. And soon a overseer was sent to check up on them.
they had done the work,brought in the people. But was supposed to have NO say in how the church is run. ntcc Ran those folks off. there still serving and working for God to this day. Just not with ntcc!
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