Matthew 18:15-17 (King James Version)

But everyone knows the KJV is the anti-NTCC Version.

Matthew 18:15-17 (King James Version - the mandatory harmony and reconciliation Bible)
...Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.

Proverbs 6:16-19 (King James Version)

Proverbs 6:16-19 (King James Version - the straight-talk Bible)...These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

Proverbs 31:10-28 (King James Version)

Proverbs 31:10-28 (King James Version - the pro-working-woman Bible)...Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life. She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands. She is like the merchants' ships; she bringeth her food from afar. She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens. She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard. She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms. She perceiveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not out by night. She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff. She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy. She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet. She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple. Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land. She maketh fine linen, and selleth it; and delivereth girdles unto the merchant. Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come. She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness. She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness. Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.


PART 1 of "NTCC lies and broken promises (NTCC policy in their own written words)" originally posted 10/19/2010...

For the work of the Lord.

February 5, 1997

Letter of Dispatch
Letter of Support

Re: G.T. Shunk
508-1 Sang Yon Dong
P.O. Box 19
Republic Of Korea

To Whom concerned,

This is to certify that Rev. G.T. Shunk is an ordained minister in good standing with the New Testament Christian Churches of America, Inc. This is to further certify that Rev. G.T. Shunk has been granted an appointment to Korea that he may serve as a Pastor and spiritual director of U.S. servicemen. His role as a servicemen’s director consists of providing a place of spiritual fellowship and relaxation, etc. for US servicemen. Also, New Testament Christian Churches of America, Inc. will be responsible for the financial support of Rev. and Mrs. G.T. Shunk during their stay in Korea to include all expenses that relate to their meals and lodging.

Thanking you for your help and cooperation in this matter.

J.R. Ashmore (Secretary)

Here’s the link to the original.

COMMENTS: I did not become an ordained minister until 2006 (the Cult says I was ordained by 1997...Lie # 1). We never receive the promised financial support (yes, we asked...Lie # 2).

We had to pay for all the mandatory conferences, and make up all the difference in the church bills. Again…Yes, I did ask for money from HQ (one time), citing this letter as authorization. We were told (by Rev. Olson) if the bills weren’t paid we would be replaced (or in his words...if you can’t pay the bills, your replacement will be bringing the check); that this letter was just a formality to get us into the country (along with our visa, which was tourist). We had only been in Korea 6 months by this time.

Previous to this, Deborah and I were pastoring a self supporting work, did not have to work secular jobs, liked where we were at, had brothers living in the home, and had only been there (Leesville, LA) about 9 months. Before we arrived in Korea this first time, we were told by Pastor Davis the work in Korea was self supporting, we wouldn’t have to work a secular job, and that the Korean church had a sizable congregation; with brothers living in the home.

When we arrived, I was told by Rev. Stevens I had to get a secular job; that this was approved and encouraged by Rev. Olson. When I called Rev. Olson about this, he confirmed.

Rev. Stevens was in a hurry to do changeover/sign the books over to me (the day after we got there). I didn't understand why since they weren't scheduled to leave for weeks. But, after we started changeover, some things didn’t add up. What didn't add up is none of the bills had been paid that month, a few of them hadn't been paid for multiple months, and most all of them were overdue. 

This is why they had many multiple thousands of dollars in the General Fund. I told Rev. Stevens I wouldn't assume the Pastorate until all the bill were paid, heating oil was bought, the maintenance on the Home's car was caught up, and the pantry was full of food (since this was a Servicemen's Home after all). Rev. Stevens excuse for not paying the Church bills was so he could show me how to pay bills after changeover. I told him I already knew how to pay bills, and since I was here now he could show me how to pay the bills before signing the Church over to me. He was not a happy camper.

At changeover about a week later the general fund had about $23 in it, with no escrow fund. So, I assumed the Pastorate with nothing in the General Fund. The work was not self supporting, had a small congregation (less than 10), and no one was living in the Servicemen’s Home. The budget for this work, during this time (1997-2001), averaged about $5,000 per month year round.

I also did not get my pastor salary the entire time we were there; while Rev. Stevens did during his tenure.

How was Rev. Stevens able to take his salary out of the General Fund, while I was not? According to him it was because:

• He had the faithful brothers pay a home offering (on top of their tithe and offerings) even though no one was living in the home. One reason no one was living in the home is because he had all the bunks in the basement; which was cold, moldy, and damp. The only heating down there were smokey kerosene heaters (one of them burned pretty clean though).
• He didn't provide any meals (except for a cold cereal breakfast on Saturday).
• He barely heated and cooled the Home and Church year round.
• He received special budget offerings without HQ permission (NTCC policy is\was the Pastor had to get permission from HQ Graham for this).
• He (Rev. Stevens) kept the church location where it was when he got there, because the rent was so cheap. The Church location was in a basement that had a severe mold and moisture problem, and was located in the bar district in TDC. Deborah, me, and the faithful brothers all developed chronic bad coughs and respiratory problems (Try singing in a mold rich environment). We moved the church to a much better location after we were flooded out a few months after we got there.

How do I know all this? Some of it Rev. Stevens told me (I guess to impress me with his frugality), some I later found out from the congregation, and some of it I knew by just being there (the mold, et cetera).

Once we corrected all the above (and then some), the church bills about doubled to about $5,000 per month. But, more people started coming out, brothers started moving into the home (including a married couple who were both in the military), and the work became self supporting. About our third year there, the Church could have afforded to pay us our salary, but we had gone so long without (and wanted to build up the General Fund for the next guy) that we said forget-about-it. 

Before this time all of our personal pay from our jobs (in Korea) went for our church bills and ministerial requirements (conferences, et cetera). So, we now started saving money for our next move (as we were all taught in NTCC's Bible College). This came about a year later.

Continuing...Rev. Steven’s also told us it would be a good idea (in oh-so-many words...he's a talker) for Deborah to get a job (like his wife had), so we would have the additional money that was needed, and that HQ approved of this. I called Rev. Olson; he confirmed, and told me, "Sometimes certain things were necessary in the work of the Lord." Though things may be necessary, are they of God?

I resisted having Deborah work for as long as I could, but after our request to NTCC for money was denied, and with the approval of Graham HQ, she got the job.

Please note: Rev. Olson assured me Pastor Davis knew and approved of all this. Rev. Stevens assured me Rev. Olson knew and approved of all this. Also, Rev. and Sis. MacDonald encouraged my wife and I in Deborah getting a job with the same company Sis. MacDonald (and Sis. Stevens) worked for each time they have been in Korea.  

Remember, we were told by Pastor Davis the work in Korea was self supporting, we wouldn’t have to work a secular job, and that the Korean church had a sizable congregation; with brothers living in the home. 

Someone is lying, and it's not me....Just ask me and I'll tell ya. 

There are more details to this account, but this will do for now (I added more details above on 12/14/2012).

In His Service,



Anonymous said...


Jeff said...

Holy Moly. Another one bites the dust. What else needs to be said.


Anonymous said...

Just when you think you have seen or heard it all,

That letter would have been enough for me to leave as the preacher if NTCC would not back up what they promised!

If it is THAT easy to arrive into Korea with such a promisary note, imagine what gangs, thugs, and illegals will do to gain entrance!!!

Sidebar: Is John MacDonald and his wife even in NTCC anymore? I have not seen their names on the radar for quite a while now, even on the NTCC website, this after Kekel stated that they were in Korea starting up a new work in Seoul!!

The only thing stable in Korea is Bro Coats (longtime brother)

Bro Johnson

Don and Ange said...

Not much to say here it speaks out of lies and corruption. It just proves that ntcc are liars and that nothing they say can be trusted. They are in it for themselves. If they lie about this they'll lie about everything and anything that benefits them.

Don and Ange

Anonymous said...

I wonder why so many families were forced to go without when the woman could have actually worked the whole time? When you examine the situation mentioned, it would appear that Pastor Davis and Rev Olson really haven't had a problem with women working all along. I wonder why they taught against women working while making exceptions to the rule at the same time?

Pastor and Rev Olson are Godly men so this doesn't make sense.

Don and Ange said...

Anonymous said,

"Pastor and Rev Olson are Godly men so this doesn't make sense."

Don and Ange said,

I have to agree and disagree with you on this. While what they do does not make sense from a Christian perspective, "Pastor and Rev Olson" are not Godly men but they are religious men. I don't have any respect for them and this is why I do not even capitalize their names. I do not believe that rwd was saved at any point after he split and formed ntcc. I think that ntcc is now, what it always has been, and that is a cult that destroys peoples lives and exists only for monetary gain. What makes it so evil is that it uses God's word to get people genuinely saved and then perverts God's word by adding "ntcc policies" that are contrary to God's word to take advantage of the meek and lowly so they can get into their wallets to build their filthy empire for personal gain.

I think there are going to be serious consequences for those that are involved in the highest places of ntcc, because they are worse than the ordinary sinners in that they look down their noses at the majority of the souls that Jesus bled and died for. The prostitutes, the poor, the unclean and every other group of sinners that Jesus died for are laughed at and joked about. The only group of sinners that ntcc seems to reach out to are the ones that can support them financially.

I'm sorry but I will continue to refer to "Rev Olson" as olson and "Pastor Davis" as rwd and rdub because I do not respect them and I do have complete and total disdain for what they stand for and who they have hurt to get to where they are now.

DS or GS said...

Don and Ange,

You may want to update the post on your blog.

I edited my original post.


Jeff said...

The NTCC wants you to pay the bills but the Pastors actually never own anything. They don't own the building or furniture or anything else having to do with the church but yet they pay for all of it.

That's why (knowing what I know now) I'd not Pastor a church inside someone elses corporation. I'm not working my tail off just to pay all the bills on someone elses property. How many NTCC churches have shut down over the years just for the NTCC to get all the money? Lots!!!! The Pastor is the one who should have gotten it. But no that's not what happened. Kekel put his kid through a $20,000 a year high school.

If there is not enough money to pay the bills the corporation should pay them no questions asked or simply shut the church down and then all escrow goes to the pastor. Not zero out the escrow account so no one else knows what happens to it.

The NTCC has the perfect scam going and the pastors are the victims. Pastors who can't see that are truly blinded but it happens. Hopefully they don't remain blinded forever.


Don and Ange said...

Thanks, Gregory, for the update.

Anonymous said...

Bro and Sis Shunk,

I had to take my Facebook site down due to personal reasons, seems like Facebook picks up undesireable virus' so I had to unfriend everybody. and totally close my site down.

I should be back up in three months when I PCS out of my currently location.

God Bless and be safe Debra and Gregory!!

Bro Johnson

DS or GS said...

Bro. Johnson,

Friend me when you get ready. I haven't had any problems with facebook yet. I hope I never do.


evileye said...

thanks for the article:)

DS or GS said...


Thanks for your thanks.

But, the thanks should go to NTCC, who makes this all necessary/possible; and who refuses all warnings, thus necessitating its continuance.


Anonymous said...


I just sent up a friend request to you and Sister Shunk on Facebook, rebuildng that avenue again.

Merry Christmas!!

Bro Johnson

Goodbye Cult said...

You mean another one is set free

Goodbye Cult said...

I left rather recently in late 2019. I have to say that out of everything I've read of the NTCC cult, I have to let you all know it hS gotten MUCH darker and worse than every before. I've seen brothers go literally insane, one male "minister" had overdosed on drugs and made homosexual moves on another man. A minister's wife was trying to hook up with me for months. Also in the dorm they were sharing near-pprnographic pictures on the group chat. Yeah, it is completely lead by a devilish spirit. It's pretty bad.

My eyes were open a few months before I left. I was done with the constant burden of sin and finally asked the Holy Spirit to teach me all things (John 14:26). Then my mind was all the sudden on fire for the Bible - it finally made sense! I began talking to a brother and we prayed and sought the scriptures non-stop every day.

Long story short, as we attempted to help some NTCCers with their spiritual problems (and there was immediate results!), the leadership quickly shut it down with lies and rumors. Kekel got in my face and called me a liar and a hypocrite and kicked me out the dorm and choir. But God had used him to provide for my Exodus like Pharaoh, and I've never looked back since!

Praise God!

DS or GS said...

Thanks for the good news.

I was also in the College Chior. Stayed in the Coop. Worked at Washington Insulation in Kent during school.
